

对我而言,可以没有男朋友,但你千万别离开我,我的好闺蜜。For me, there may be no boyfriend, but you must not leave me, my good girl.

你受辱,我替你讨公道。If you are humiliated, I will seek justice for you.

铁打的闺蜜,流水的男人。Iron beating girl, flowing man.

让你可以更肆无忌惮的哭,肆无忌惮的流泪,然后酣睡在她怀里。So that you can cry more unbridled, unbridled tears, and then sleep in her arms.

友谊是青春的初恋,使你陷入对初恋情人那深深的眷恋。Friendship is the first love of youth, which makes you fall in deep attachment to your first lover.

就算天上的繁星再多,地上的石头再多也拆散不了我们的友谊。Even if there are many stars in the sky, no more stones on the earth can break up our friendship.

以心印心,心心不异。Heart to heart, heart to heart.

时光安好,岁月静好。Time is good, time is quiet.

闺蜜就是,当她睡不着的时候,你也甭想睡。My girlfriend is, when she can’t sleep, you can’t sleep.

亲们,我已经放下了,他不值得我珍惜,还好有你们。Dear relatives, I have laid down, he is not worth my cherishing, but fortunately you.


岁月流河,绝不分离。Time and tide never separate.

我要有这样一个她,可以代替我心中的他。I want to have such a woman, can replace him in my heart.

闺蜜是当你难过泪流满面的时候,在你身边抱着你说没关系。Girlfriend is when you are sad and tearful, holding you around and saying it’s okay.

你知道我所有的难堪,拥抱会有最大的力度,擦眼泪时小心翼翼。You know all my embarrassments, hugs will be the most powerful, wiping tears carefully.

那些年我们一起,疯过,笑过,走过。We went crazy, laughed and walked through those years together.

就算全世界背叛你,我会在你身后背叛全世界。Even if the world betrays you, I will betray the world behind you.

吵不散,骂不走的才叫闺蜜。It’s a girl who can’t stop quarrelling and scolding that can’t go away.

真正的朋友会接受你的过去,力挺你的现在,鼓舞你的将。Real friends will accept your past, support your present and inspire your generals.

只要你需要我,我永远在你能看到的地方。As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

我敢对你说永远和不离不弃,你也敢,我们做得到。I dare to tell you that we will never give up. You dare, we can do it.
