
亲爱的,这辈子我爱你,下辈子换你爱我。Dear, I love you in this life, and love you in the next life.

爱能克服远距离,多远都要在一起。Love can overcome the distance, how far must be together.

我们都需要勇气,去相信会在一起。We all need courage to believe that we will be together.

我的感情地狱里,是禁止爱情入狱的。In my emotional hell, love is forbidden to go to prison.

你给我的幸福,我会永远记在心里。You give me happiness, I will always remember in my heart.

比起天黑和鬼,我更怕你的心酸皱眉。I’m more afraid of your sad frown than darkness and ghosts.

爱对一个人,人生就等于做对了大部分的事情。To love a person, life is to do most things right.

人生要学会沉淀,沉淀经验,沉淀心情,沉淀自己。Life should learn to precipitate, precipitate experience, precipitate mood, precipitate themselves.

爱情像糖衣,我囫囵吞下,享受瞬间的甜蜜。Love is like sugar coat. I swallow it and enjoy the instant sweetness.

你到现在还不相信我对你的爱,呵呵。You still don’t believe my love for you, ha ha ha.


女人被爱情控制,男人被女人控制。Women are controlled by love and men by women.

的确,我老谋深算,早就想与你同悲喜。Indeed, I’ve been very resourceful and have long wanted to share your joys and sorrows.

只要有你微笑的地方,都会显得特别温暖。As long as you have a place to smile, it will be very warm.

我落泪,情绪零碎,�玫氖澜缫荒荒环追伞�My tears, emotional fragmentation, your world scene after scene.

别让天与海�A距离,衡量爱与恨�A对立。Don’t let the distance between heaven and sea, measure the opposition between love and hate.

爱过方知情深,醉过后方知酒浓。He who loves knows deeply, he who is drunk knows how strong he is.

一切的事都能好了伤疤忘了疼,唯独恋爱不可。Everything can be healed, the scar forgot the pain, only love can not.

我可以停止呼吸,心跳,但是我不可以停止爱你。I can stop breathing and heartbeat, but I can’t stop loving you.

我用我的幻想、继续我们的爱情。I use my fantasy to continue our love.

这一页上字与字之间密无间隙,像我们曾经的关系。There is no gap between the words on this page, just like the relationship we used to have.
