
每天重复过着一样的生活,没有任何意义。It doesn’t make any sense to live the same life again and again every day.

要么好好爱,要么立刻滚,没有暧昧这一说!Either love well, or go away at once, without ambiguity!

我一直在关注你,一切你知道或不知道的方式。I’ve been looking at you, all the ways you know or don’t kno

即便是流泪,也是一种纪念。就算是流泪,也回不到童年。Even tears are a kind of commemoration. Even tears do not return to childhood.

不想看你不开心,却又嫉妒你和别人太开心。I don’t want to see you unhappy, but I envy you and others too happy.

有吃有喝一起玩,这叫朋友。没吃没喝照样玩,这叫兄弟。It’s called friends to eat and drink and play together. You can play without eating or drinking. It’s called brother.

男人要有骨气,谈恋爱谈到结婚,不要替别人养老婆。Men should have courage. When it comes to marriage in love, they should not take care of other people’s old-age mothers.

你说总是活在回忆里,其实你不明白,我早死里边了。You said that you always live in the memory, in fact, you do not understand, I died early inside.

下辈子我要做个男人,娶个像我这么好的女人。In the next life, I will be a man and marry a woman as good as me.

你无法理解我的无理取闹,就像我不懂你一直对我视而不见。You can’t understand my unreasonable fuss, just as I can’t understand that you’ve been ignoring me.


我们分手了是吗?再也回不去了,可是我真的爱你。We broke up, didn’t we? I can’t go back, but I really love you.

他给的爱,渺小的如尘埃,却让我一直怀念。His love, small as dust, has always been missed by me.

触手可及的爱情从指尖滑落,不要为了结束而哭泣。Love within reach falls from your fingertips. Don’t cry for the end.

人一生最大的痛苦就是,犯了错,确改不了,一想就痛!The greatest pain in a person’s life is that if he makes a mistake, he really can’t change it. It hurts when he thinks about it!

迷失了自己一次,是为了让自己以后更好的认清前方的路。Lost oneself once, in order to make oneself better understand the way ahead.

今天你对我说着爱我,明天你对着她说没爱过我。Today you said to me that you loved me, tomorrow you said to her that you did not love me.

昔日的甜蜜已遥不可及,现实的悲哀却寸步不离。The sweetness of the past is beyond reach, but the sadness of reality is inseparable.

解释就是掩饰,掩饰就是不老实,不老实就是欠收拾!Explanation is disguise, disguise is dishonesty, dishonesty is untidy!

没有什么做不到的事,对于真正的爱情来说。Nothing is impossible for true love.

喜欢你的人,要你的现在;爱你的人,也要你的未来。Those who like you want your present; those who love you want your future.
