

父爱在弯弯脊梁里,一道一道坚韧不屈。Father’s love in the curved ridge, together with a tough and indomitable.

父爱在陈旧话语里,一字一句都是真理。Father’s love is truth in old words, word by word.

捕获最柔的清风,愿父亲夜夜好梦。Catch the gentlest breeze, may father have a good dream at night.

我最亲爱的爸爸,我爱你,父亲节快乐!My dearest father, I love you, Happy Father’s Day!

送你一根无忧烟,幸福开心永相随。Give you a carefree cigarette. Happiness and happiness always go hand in hand.

父爱如月,在夜里为我们点亮前进的道路。Father’s love is like the moon, lighting the way forward for us at night.

您的经历和引导,一直让我衷心感激。Thank you for your experience and guidance.

父亲节了,恨在他乡。只得道声:老爸保重!Father’s Day, hate in other countries. Have to say: Dad take care!

父亲节到了,祝父亲快乐,父爱永存!Father’s Day is here. Happy Father’s Day and eternal Father’s love!

父亲节,祝福天下好爸爸一生平安,幸福吉祥!Father’s Day, wish the world a good father a safe life, happiness and auspiciousness!


父亲岁月写脸上,沧桑背背上,总说不老。Father years write face, vicissitudes of life back, always say not old.

父亲节爱心连线,一头是他,一头是你!Father’s Day love connection, one end is him, one end is you!

是您不求回报的爱,为我建造了一个家。It’s your love that builds a home for me.

父爱是壮行酒,懦弱时给予无穷胆量。Father’s love is a fearless act of drinking, giving infinite courage in cowardice.

父爱是炉中火,有了它冬天也不会寒冷。Father’s love is a fire in the stove, and it won’t be cold in winter.

父亲汗水流身上,辛劳藏心里,总说不累。Father sweat body, hard heart, always say not tired.

父亲是一座挺拔的高山,让生活总是向上。Father is a tall mountain, so that life is always upward.

老爸已不再年轻,父亲节了,愿您多多保重!Dad is no longer young, Father’s Day, I hope you take care of it!

摘下最亮的星星,愿父亲天天开心。Take off the brightest stars and wish my father happy every day.

父亲是座山,坚韧起脊梁,挺拔大地的芬芳。Father is a mountain, tough ridge, upright fragrance of the earth.
