
我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。I am a good person, by what to run into other people’s lives as an episode.

谁敢在我的爱情里插一脚,老子就把你腿给剁了。Who dares to put a foot in my love, Lao Tzu will cut your leg.

有些事藏在心里是莫大的委屈,话到嘴边又觉得无足挂齿不值一提。Some things hide in the heart is a great grievance, words to the mouth and feel that it is not worth mentioning.

世界上你或许不是最优秀的人,但我爱上你的时候,你就是我的全世界!You may not be the best person in the world, but when I fall in love with you, you are my world!

幸福,从来都没有捷径,也没有完美无瑕,只有经营,只靠真心。Happiness, there is never a shortcut, there is no perfect, only business, only rely on sincerity.

爱是三分温柔,七分暖。恨是三分冷漠,七分寒。Love is three points gentle, seven points warm. Hatred is three parts indifferent, seven parts cold.

没有什么是完美的,这个世界并不完美,所以才显得美丽。Nothing is perfect, the world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful.

但求遇见你,只为悲喜有知,只愿落雨成诗,只恨相思成痴。But I hope to meet you, just for joy and sorrow, only want to rain into poetry, only hate missing into idiocy.

青山有及你眉长,水清不似你清澈,路过山水,一生只想你一人。Green hills and your eyebrows are long, water is not as clear as you, passing through mountains and rivers, life only miss you.

希望你能遇到一个能懂你也懂这世间悲欢陪你走千帆仍能方寸不乱的人。I hope you will meet a person who can understand you and understand the joys and sorrows of the world and accompany you on a thousand sails.


我走在逃离命运的路上,却与命运不期而遇。I am on the road to escape from fate, but I meet it unexpectedly.

没有什么如果当初,不管重来多少次,人生肯定都有遗憾。Nothing if at first, no matter how many times, life must have regrets.

你有你的声色戎马,我有我的淡若天涯。You have your voice and colour, and I have my indifference to the horizon.

不是除了你,我就没人要了。只是除了你,我谁都不想要。I don’t want anybody but you. I just don’t want anybody but you.

喜欢一个人,始于颜值,陷于才华,忠于人品。Like a person, it begins with Yan Duan, trapped in talent, loyal to character.

不要把我的关心当成理所当然。不管我有多爱你,最终也会有疲惫的一天。Don’t take my concerns for granted. No matter how much I love you, there will be a tired day in the end.

对喜欢的人的情绪无非是,既然你不能来看我,那就我去看你好了。The mood for the person you like is nothing more than that. Since you can’t come to see me, I’ll go to see you.

从前我不相信我们没有缘分,可能是因为失望得还不够彻底吧。In the past, I did not believe that we had no fate. Maybe it was because the disappointment was not thorough enough.

生命中曾经有过的所有灿烂,原来终究,都需要用寂寞来偿还。All the splendor in life, after all, needs to be repaid with loneliness.

这世上曾有过一个我,曾有过一个你,曾有过一段清澈如水的相遇。There was once a me in this world, a you, and a clear water meeting.
