命好不如习惯好。养成好习惯,一辈子受用不尽。Life is better than good habits. A good habit, a lifetime ever.
相信什么都是会过去的,你何必在当下耗费掉无必要的喜悦和悲怆?I believe what is past, why do you spend unnecessary joy and sorrow in the moment?
每一天都是一个开始。深呼吸,从头再来。Every day is a beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.
心小了,所以小事就变大了;心变大了,所有的大事都变小了。The heart is small, so the little things become big; the heart becomes bigger, all the big things have become smaller.
人在难时给一口,胜似富时给一斗。People in difficult to export, is rich to a bucket.
当一个人知道自己想要什么时,整个世界将为之让路。When a person knows what he wants, the whole world will make way for it.
人的一生总会面临很多难以抉择的单选题,得与失是并存的。The life of people always face many difficult choices RadioButtonList, gain and loss coexist.
改变,从现在开始;成功,由今天起步。Change, from now on, success, starting today.
暗自伤心,不如立即行动。Secretly sad, not as immediate action.
人生的一切变化,一切魅力。一切美都是由光明和阴影构成的。All the changes in life, all the charm. All the beauties are made of light and shado
战胜自己,终有一天,你会扇动着梦想的翅膀,飞翔在蔚蓝的天空!To conquer yourself, one day you will flapping the wings of dreams, flying in the blue sky!
善待自己,不被别人左右,也不去左右别人,自信优雅。Be kind to yourself, don’t be left or right, don’t go to other people, you are confident and elegant.
我们都有兽性的一面,作为人类,我们的责任是成为驯兽师那样的人。We all have the animal side, as human beings, our responsibility is to become a trainer that person.
如果我们想要更多的玫瑰花,就必须种植更多的玫瑰树。If we want more roses, we must plant more trees.
凡事皆有终结,因此,耐心是赢得成功的一种手段。There is an end to everything, and patience is a measure of success.
一个胜利者不会放弃,而一个放弃者永远不会胜利。A winner will not give up, and a give up will never win.
再困难,氧气总是够吸的吧!Again difficult, oxygen is always enough to suck it!
命运,你残忍的诉说着我的悲痛。Fate, you are cruel to tell my grief.
寒冷到了极致时,太阳就要光临。When the cold to the extreme, the sun will come.
会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。You would be extremely Ling, list of small hills.