
喜欢就争取,得到就珍惜,错过就忘记,生活其实就这么简单。Like to fight for, get treasure, miss forget, life is so simple.

人为善,福虽未至,祸已远离;人为恶,祸虽未至,福已远离。For good and blessing, though not to, disaster has been far away from; Human evil, evil, though not to, blessing has been away from.

逢山开路,遇水架桥。过了桥,上了山,常会有一片新的天地。Open roads meeting the mountain and the water bridge. Across the bridge, on the mountain, there are always a new heaven and earth.

命运全在搏击,奋斗就有希望,失败只有一种,就是放弃努力。Fate all in the fight, for there is hope, there is only one kind of failure, is to give up efforts.

凡在小事上对真理持轻率态度的人,在大事上也是不可信任的。In small flippant attitude of the truth, in the event is not to be trusted.

在这一人航海的人生浩瀚大海中,理想是罗盘针,热情是疾风。In this one sailing in the vast ocean of life, ideal is the compass, enthusiasm is high winds.

不应该把学习当做一种负担,而应把他当做一种乐趣一种责任。Should not take learning as a burden, and should see him as a fun a duty.

一生没有虚过,可以愉快地死,如同一天没有虚过,可以安眠!Life is not empty, can die happily, like a day without a virtual, can sleep!

不要在意别人的眼光,因为,我们终究是活在自己的世界中的。Don’t care about other people’s eye lights, because, we all live in their own world.

奔跑不单是一种能力,更是一种态度,决定你人生高度的态度。Running is not only a kind of ability, but also a kind of attitude, decide the level of your life.

正人行邪法,邪法亦正,邪人行正法,正法亦邪,一切唯心造。Is is the pedestrian evil, evil, evil does not understand the pedestrian, the teachings are evil, all idealism.

现在的你站在什么位置并不重要,重要的是你将要前进的方向。Now you stand in what position is not important, the important thing is that you will be the way forward.

无论何时,只要可能,你都应该“模仿”你自己,成为你自己。No matter when, as long as possible, you are supposed to “imitate” yourself, be yourself.

一个真正想成功的人是勤奋与努力的,而不是躺在床上说大话。A real people who want to success is diligence and effort, not lie on the bed to talk big.

思路决定出路,气度决定高度,细节决定成败,性格决定命运。Thinking is decisive, bearing decides height, detail decides success or failure, and character determines destiny.

我百般讨好装柔弱只为换来你一句关心,不料换来你一句哦哦。I every possible way to please my tender for a care for you, only to return you a oh oh.

累了,让心吹吹风;伤了,让梦醒一醒;痛了,让脚步停一停。Tired, let the heart a bug; Hurt, let I wake up; Stop pain, let the footsteps.

一个人不要事事依赖别人,而应当依靠自己的力量,自力更生。A person not to rely on others, and should rely on their own strength, self-reliance.

我们不能做到青春活得不留遗憾,但要做到在青春里活得心安。We can’t do the youth live without regret, but to do in the youth live in peace.

每日,我们期待日落,盼望阳光带走一切罪恶,至少假装带走。Daily, we are looking forward to the sunset, look forward to sunshine take away all evil, at least pretend to take away.
