
“标配人生”需要不断努力奋斗。”Standard life” requires constant efforts.

是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。A wolf must practice his teeth, a sheep must practice his legs.

我们都是奔跑者,我们都是追梦人。We are all runners. We are all dreamers.

只要奋斗不息,人生终将辉煌。As long as we keep fighting, life will be brilliant.

年轻时候吃的苦,都是将来的财富。The bitterness of youth is the wealth of the future.

以奋斗担当使命,以奋斗引领未来。Take the mission with struggle and lead the future with struggle.

扣好人生每一粒扣子。Button up every button of life.

道路坎坷事不期,疾风劲草练男儿。The road is rough and unexpected, and the wind is blowing hard to train men.

奋斗,造就更有价值的人生。Struggle to create a more valuable life.

人生贵在行动,前进不必遗憾。Life is precious in action, and there is no need to regret moving forward.


奔跑,每一条道路走深都会有收获。Running, every road will be harvested.

拼你想要的,争你没有的。Strive for what you want, fight for what you don’t have.

你羡慕的生活,就是你奋斗的方向。The life you envy is the direction of your struggle.

人生是一张单程票,耽误不起。Life is a one-way ticket, which can not be delayed.

学如弓弩,才如箭簇。Learning like bows and crossbows is like arrows.

要相信,只要不死,总会出头!Believe that as long as you don’t die, you will come out!

希望结果不负自己努力。I hope the result will not fail my efforts.

所谓能耐,就是既有能力又能忍耐。The so-called patience means both ability and patience.

奋斗人生,大胆尝试!Struggle for life, try boldly!

唯有奋斗,是解决一切难题的密匙!Only struggle is the key to solving all problems.
