现在不玩命,将来命玩你,现在不努力,未来不给力。Now do not play with your life, but you will not play hard.
从来都不要随便出门,至少要随便打扮一下,不然人家会认为你是一个随便的女生。Never go out casually, at least dress up casually, otherwise people will think you are a casual girl.
今天不想跑,所以才去跑,这才是长距离跑者的思维方式。Today I don’t want to run, so I just run. That’s the way long distance runners think.
如果你有理想,就去捍卫它。If you have an ideal, defend it.
世上没有超越不了的神话,只要有信心,和永不熄灭的斗志。There is no myth in the world that can not be surmounted, as long as we have confidence and will never extinguish.
一个人想要自己活的幸福,首先得给自己一个梦想。If a person wants to live a happy life, he must first give himself a dream.
半途而废的背后,有千万种借口;而成功的背后,却只有一种理由,那就是坚持!There are thousands of excuses behind giving up halfway, but behind success, there is only one reason, that is, perseverance!
为了未来美一点,现在必须苦一点。低头不算认输,放弃才是懦夫!In order to be more beautiful in the future, we must suffer a little no To bow is not to admit defeat, to give up is a coward!
生命中最美好的事物都是免费的,次美好的事物都很贵。The best things in life are free, and the second best things are expensive.
别嫌弃一直陪你的人,别陪一直嫌弃你的人。Don’t abandon the people who have been with you, don’t accompany the people who have been abandoning you.
善待自己,坚信自己,让自己的生活缤纷精彩。不要因为某个人而破坏整个生命的兴致。Be kind to yourself, believe in yourself, and make your life colorful and wonderful. Don’t spoil the whole life for one person.
当朋友忽略你时,不要伤心,每个人都有自己的生活,谁都不可能一直陪你。When a friend neglects you, don’t be sad. Everyone has his own life. No one can always accompany you.
只要你有梦想,只有你有勇气,只要你有行动,你就一定能够成功。As long as you have a dream, as long as you have courage, as long as you have action, you will be able to succeed.
我甘心用十分耕耘,换取哪怕一分收获,为了梦,一切都值得。I am willing to work very hard, in exchange for even a harvest, in order to dream, everything is worth it.
与其装腔作势企图影响别人,不如咬牙切齿狠命修理自己。Rather than pretending to influence others, it’s better to grind your teeth and repair yourself.
你若想要得到,就别只是期望。人生短暂,经不起等待。If you want it, don’t just expect it. Life is too short to wait.
塑造自己过程很疼,但请相信你将收获一个更好的自己。The process of shaping yourself is painful, but believe that you will reap a better self.
不要为成功而努力,要为做一个有价值的人而努力。Do not strive for success, but to be a valuable person.
乐观者在灾祸中看到机会;悲观者在机会中看到灾祸。Optimists see opportunities in disasters; pessimists see disasters in opportunities.
何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,乃是为你自己。Why prove to the unworthy that life is better for you?