

你就是自己的全世界,你最珍贵。You are your own world, you are the most precious.

亲爱的自己,全世界只有一个你,就算没有人懂得欣赏,你也要好好爱自己。Dear myself, there is only one you in the world. Even if no one knows how to appreciate you, you should love yourself.

智者懂得隐忍,原谅周围的那些人,在宽容中壮大自己!The wise man knows tolerance, forgives those around him, and strengthens himself in tolerance.

一个女人的一生,惟有美是不可以妥协的。唯有自己,是不可以辜负的。A woman’s life, only beauty can not compromise. Only oneself can not be disappointed.

当我们不舒服的时候,还是选择去好好珍惜,好好珍惜自己吧。When we are uncomfortable, we should choose to cherish ourselves and ourselves.

人生,需要有一些时刻,慢下来,静下来,听花开的声音,观叶绽的曼妙。告诉自己,活着,真好。Life needs some moments to slow down, to calm down, to listen to the voice of flowers and to see the beauty of leaves blooming. Tell yourself, it’s good to be alive.

学会爱自己,不是让我们自我姑息,自我放纵,而是要我们学会侵于律己和矫正自己。Learning to love ourselves is not to let us self-appeasement, self-indulgence, but to learn to invade and correct ourselves.

爱自己,珍惜自己,就会有好的未来。Love yourself, cherish yourself, there will be a good future.

让自己开心,让自己快乐,比什么都好。It’s better to be happy and happy than anything else.

记得要让自己舒心,学会把心放宽。Remember to comfort yourself and learn to relax.


先好好的爱自己,用最优秀的自己,去遇见最好的她。First, love yourself, with the best of yourself, to meet the best of her.

不要为别人委屈自己,改变自己。你是唯一的你,珍贵的你,骄傲的你,美丽的你。一定要好好爱自己。Don’t wronged yourself for others, change yourself. You are the only you, precious you, proud you, beautiful you. We must love ourselves well.

人不自爱,则无所不为;过于自爱,则一无所为。If you don’t love yourself, you will do everything; if you love yourself too much, you will do nothing.

在没有遇到你更爱自己的人之前,一定要好好爱自己。Before you meet someone who loves you more, you must love yourself well.

好好爱自己,爱自己的梦想,爱自己的平凡,爱生活的美好!Love yourself, love your dreams, love your ordinary, love the beauty of life!

给自己一点快乐和轻松,给生活添彩。Give yourself a little happiness and relaxation, add color to life.

这个世界多美好,取决于我们有多爱自己。How beautiful the world is depends on how much we love ourselves.

自己爱自己,比谁爱你都靠谱。I love myself more than anyone who loves you.

无论怎么样,一个人借故堕落总是不值得原谅的,越是没有人爱,越要爱自己。Anyway, a person’s corruption is always unforgivable. The more nobody loves him, the more he loves himself.

爱自己,才是王道,疼自己,才是真理,疼爱自己,才是最幸福的。To love oneself is the kingdom, to love oneself is the truth, to love oneself is the happiest.
