
如果我一直不放弃,你会不会陪我走下去。If I never give up, will you go with me?

我最喜欢的世界,是和你的二人世界。My favorite world is the world with you.

孤独不是一种脾性,而是一种无奈。Loneliness is not a kind of spleen, but a kind of helplessness.

我把心寄错了地址,现在请你还给我!I sent my heart to the wrong address. Now please return it to me!

你放不下的人,或许早已找到了代替你的人。You can not let go of the people, perhaps already found a replacement for you.

我的演技一定特别好,我难过都没人知道。My acting must be very good. I’m sad that nobody knows.

去哪我都跟你走,只要你牵我的手。I’ll go with you wherever you go, as long as you hold my hand.

我说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。I said that breaking up was to be retained, but you wished me freedom.

希望我所拼命争取的,最后都能如我所愿。I hope that what I strive for will be as good as I want in the end.

感情不必拿来慷慨,深情何必拿来显摆。Feelings need not be generous, but deep feelings need not be shown.


我也有委屈,只是从来不跟别人提起。I have grievances, but I never mention them to others.

没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。Nothing special, just want to hear your voice.

再回到那地方,已没有那时那种感觉。Back there, there was no feeling like that.

这次我放你走,山南水北,有缘再见。I’ll let you go this time. Goodbye.

请你从我梦里出去,或者,再也不要离开。Please go out of my dream, or never leave.

从陌生人变回陌生人,那就是我们的故事。From strangers to strangers, that’s our story.

以前为你不顾一切,但现在我想选择快乐。I used to desperate for you, but now I want to choose happiness.

至于未来会怎么样,要用力走下去才知道。As for the future, we need to work hard to kno

用毫不勉强的态度,去过随遇而安的生活。With no reluctance to live a life of ease.

只对你一人撒娇,做你一个人的女孩。Be a girl who only coquettish to you.
