
人的大脑和肢体一样,多用则灵,不用则废。The human brain is the same as the limbs. If you use it more, it will be more flexible. If you don’t use it, it will be wasted.

懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更消耗身体。Laziness, like rust, consumes more body than labour.

没有不会做的事,只有不想做的事。There’s nothing that you can’t do, only something you don’t want to do.

不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。Without great difficulties, there will be no great cause.

一个人必须经过一番刻苦奋斗,才会有所成就。Only after a hard struggle can one achieve something.

只要还有明天,今天就永远是起跑线。As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.

不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。Don’t make excuses for failure, just find ways to succeed.

命运压不垮一个人,只会使人坚强起来。Fate can’t crush a man, it can only make him strong.

要成就大事,先做好小事。To accomplish great things, do small things first.

无论头上是怎样的天空,我准备承受任何风暴。No matter what the sky is above, I’m prepared to withstand any storm.

如果你的面前有阴影,那是因为你的背后有阳光。If there’s a shadow in front of you, it’s because there’s sunshine behind you.

任何业绩的质变,都来自于量变的积累。Any qualitative change in performance comes from the accumulation of quantitative change.

细节决定成败,态度决定一切。Details determine success or failure, attitude decides everything.

人只要不失去方向,就不会失去自己。As long as people do not lose their direction, they will not lose themselves.

一个人在外面,很不容易,没啥,拼的就是坚强。A person outside, it is not easy, nothing, is strong.

我们必须拿我们所有的,去换我们所没有的。We have to take what we have in exchange for what we don’t have.

要争就能赢,要拼才能赢。To win, to win, to win.

生命的成长,需要吃饭,还需要吃苦,吃亏。The growth of life needs to eat, suffer hardships and suffer losses.

世界上那些最容易的事情中,拖延时间最不费力。Of the easiest things in the world, procrastination is the easiest.

成功的道路上充满荆棘,苦战方能成功。The road to success is full of thorns, and only through hard struggle can we succeed.
