唾沫是用来数钞票的,而不是用来讲道理的!Saliva is used to count the money, instead of speaking truth!
长点脸,擦清眼,麻烦你看清楚什么叫脸色。Long face, clear eyes, trouble you see clearly what is face.
减肥一词,说出来只是为了吓吓身上那些肉。The term weight loss, say it out just for the sake of those scare flesh.
跟谁整那个表情呢,我是你妈啊你那么看我。With whom the whole of that expression, I am your mama ah you see me.
请问你有什么好牛的。说出来给我乐呵乐呵。Do you have any good cattle. Say it to me happy happy.
阎王每天收那么多人,怎么就没把你给收去!The yan a day so many people, how don’t give away you!
为什么没有公司拿你的脸皮去研究防弹衣呢?Why didn’t company with your face to research body armor?
瞧来瞧去漫山遍野的傻逼,原来你也在这里!To look at to ma of silly force, here you are!
当初的你强大到死!现在的你脆弱成屎粑粑!At the beginning of your strong to die! Now the excrement BaBa you vulnerable!
你忘记的太他妈干脆,我执着的太他妈心碎。You forget too his mama just, I clinging too his mama heart.
一颗黑了的心都曾软弱过,何况一个铁公鸡。A dark heart has been weak, let alone a miser.
就你这长相,估计这辈子只能当个老处女了。Just the way you looked, it is estimated that in this life only when an old maid.
我不想知道你有病,别表现的这么明显好吗?I don’t want to know that you are ill, don’t be so much better performance?
你就是把你的鸡毛换了也掩饰不了你的骚味。You just put your feather changed to also do not hide your SAO flavor.
等我有钱了,我就带我你去最好的神经医院。Wait me rich, I would take me you to the best neural hospital.
你要死就赶紧,别在浪费那么清新的空气了。You will die quickly, don’t waste in so pure and fresh air.
骄阳似火,无心玩耍,还得玩耍,晒成大妈。Scorching sun, no mood to play, still have to play, tanned Boyle.
那是你的脸?长的跟芝麻饼似的,满脸麻子。Is that your face? Long with the sesame cake, pockmarked.
你说,我青春期起痘痘,你更年期羡慕是吗?You say, my adolescence blain blain, you envy of menopause is it?
你就像根苦瓜,穿得这么清凉,长得这么败火。You like the root balsam pear, wear so cool and refreshing, grow so relieve inflammation or internal heat.