

她给的甜蜜是那么的致命。She gave the sweet is so deadly.

倾尽我一生,只为成全你半分。Give me my life, just to give you a half.

完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。Perfect love is a deadly poison.

冻豆腐伤不了人,伤得是心。Frozen tofu can not hurt people, hurt the heart.

原来已经有一个她取代了我!Originally there has been one she replaced me!

��给�A回忆,让莪刻苦铭心。You give memories, let me unforgettable.

多年以后,从此我们后会无期。Many years later, we never ever meet again.

若我得权日,杀尽天下负我人。If I have the right to day, to kill all the people of my world.

一起走是缘分,走在一起是幸福。Walk together is the fate, walk together is happiness.

感冒原本是一种很伤感的病。Cold was originally a very sad disease.


留不住的再拼命拉扯都是多余的。Can’t keep the hard pull is superfluous.

素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。Su Yan, said the United States is your sweet smile.

唇角那浅浅的笑,都是甜的。The angle that smile is sweet.

爱忘记的越狠,却陷的越深。The more you forget, the more you fall.

曾经相遇,总胜过从未碰头。Once met, total than never to meet.

阴情不定的我,你懂的驾驭吗?Yin feeling uncertain of me, you know how to control it?

现在单身是潮流、我就是一潮女。Now single is the trend, I am a tide of women.

我赢了所有人,却输掉了你。I won all the people, but I lost you.

��越粘着他,他越不把��当回事。The more you stick with him, the more he doesn’t take you seriously.

谁让你红了眼眶,你还念念不忘。Who let you red eyes, you still remember.
