
其实我都明了、别在庸人自扰!In fact, I have to know, don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you!

他写聊斋时,遣词了太多寂寞。When he write a serial, diction and too much loneliness.

谁曾与我许下天长地久的誓言?Who has worked with my everlasting promises?

你的执着在他眼里可能是纠缠。Your persistence is likely to be entangled in his eyes.

爱的,不爱的。一直在告别中。Love, not love. Has been in the farewell.

拥有了我,你就拥有了全世界!Have I, you’ve got the world!

对不起,俄不再对任何人好了。I’m sorry, Russia is no longer good to anybody.

似乎回到从前,依旧那么孤独。Seems to go back in time, still so lonely.

走别人的路,让别人无路可走。Walk others road, let others no way out.

鸟儿美在羽毛,人们美在勤劳。Birds beauty in feathers, people in the industry.


回不回去的回忆,我早已忘记。Back to not go back to the memory, I had forgotten.

看,天在下雨;听,心在哭泣。Look, it’s raining; Listen, the heart is crying.

我没有在畏惧,即使我一个人。I’m not afraid, even if I a person.

若非为等一人,何苦守此空城。If not for such a person, why keep the empty city.

爱情最初红了脸,最后红了眼。Love the original red face, and red eyes.

我还在这里,就差你一个回头。I’m still here, just sent you a back.

风决定要走,云怎么挽留得了。The wind decided to go, how to retain got clouds.

我们的最后一个夏天,叫离别。Our last summer, so that to leave.

青春还未开始,苍老早已来临。The youth has yet to start, old already.

无数次的擦身而过装做不注意。Countless times and make a pretense of don’t pay attention to.


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