
如果你想忘记,我也能失忆。If you want to forget, I can also amnesia.

你的离去,我的世界失去色彩。You go, my world lose colour.

不管有多难熬,都要眉眼带笑。No matter how difficult, the eyebrow eye grinned.

曾经给你的真心、却被你抛弃。To your heart, but it is abandoned by you.

曾经的记忆,空白的如此透彻。Once the memory, blank so thoroughly.

若无其事,原来是最很的报复。As if nothing happened, originally is the most revenge.

我最大的幸福,就是你给的在乎。My greatest happiness, is the care you give.

一旦快乐了,就绝不给悲伤机会。Once happy, not to sorro

有一个可以想念的人,就是幸福。Have a person can miss, is happiness.

天使的微笑,夹杂着痛苦与悲伤。The angel smile, mingled with the pain and sadness.


你离我那么那远,隔着几座城市。You stay away from me so that, across several cities.

希望我的放手,可以换来你的幸福。Hope I let go, can buy you happiness.

悲凉的微笑,掠过我那微薄的青春。Sad smile, pass me the poor youth.

纸飞机飞的再远也带不走我的心情。Paper airplane fly again far also don’t go with my mood.

只要心中有梦想,你就会与众不同。As long as a dream in your heart, you will be different.

尽管我们再苦,我们小两口也幸福。Although we will have a bitter, we happy couple.

青春终将散场,唯独记忆永垂不朽。Youth will break, but memory lasts forever.

恍恍惚惚间,发觉那份爱开始变质。Drifted off, found that love began to deteriorate.

单曲循环,原来听的是自己的心情。Single cycle, originally is oneself mood.

我能做到的最好,不是你要的刚好。The best I can do, not just you want.
