
拥有知识改变命运,拥有理想改变态度。Have the knowledge change destiny, has the ideal change of attitude.

时间是宝贵的,抓住了时间就抓住了成功。Time is precious, grasp the time.

读书改变命运,刻苦成就事业,态度决定一切。Reading change your fate, hard achievements, attitude is everything.

自强不息怀壮志以长行,厚德载物携梦想而抚凌。An unyielding his ambition to row, stroke ling with dream and hold world with virtue.

永远年轻,永远装嫩,永远不知好歹,永远热泪盈眶。Forever young, act young forever, forever unappreciative, tears forever.

每一次努力都是最优的亲近,每一滴汗水都是机遇的滋润。Every effort is the optimal close, every drop of sweat is an opportunity of moist.

脚踏实地,心无旁骛,珍惜分分秒秒。紧跟老师,夯实基础。Feet on the ground, no distractions, cherish every minute. Keep up with the teacher, solid foundation.

善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。Be kind to your hobby, don’t let them to make way for the study, to make them for learning services.

超越自己,向自己挑战,向弱项挑战,向懒惰挑战,向陋习挑战。Beyond themselves, to challenge themselves, challenge the weaknesses, the challenge is lazy, challenge the bad habits.

生活就这样平淡的过去,我们也会偶尔激起梦想火花,失败也击败不了它。Life is so dull in the past, we occasionally sparked dream spark, failure can defeat it.


见了他,她变得很低很低,低到尘埃里。但她心里是欢喜的,从尘埃里开出花来。Saw him, she became very low very low, low to the dust. But her heart was glad, flower leaves to come from the dust.

美梦成真,怀揣大学美梦迎接新年号角;自强不息,彰显青春活力挥洒苦涩汗水。Dream a dream come true, with university New Year horn; An unyielding, reveal youthful vitality bitter artificial sweat.

你想是怎样的人,你就是怎样的人;你想成为怎样的人,你离这个目标就不会太远。How do you want to, you is what kind of people; What do you want to be, you will not too far from the goal.

不要把成功想得太遥远,有时候,它离我们很近,只是由于我们的疏忽而与它失之交臂。Don’t think too far successful, sometimes, it is quite near to us, just because of our negligence with it.

勇者,必以决斗之勇气与五张试卷一决雌雄;懦夫,概以鼠目之寸光量人生此战必输无疑!A brave man, and take on five papers will be in a duel courage; A coward, to the rat eyes inch light the battle will lose our life!!!!!!!

面对问题,我们不能退缩,因为退缩并不能解决问题。只有努力寻求解决之道,才是上策。Face the problem, we can’t retreat, because back and can’t solve the problem. Only seek the solution, is the best policy.

健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。Healthy body is the foundation of good style of study is a condition, diligence is the premise and method of study is the key, the psychological quality is the guarantee.

作为一次经历,失败有时比成功更有价值。失败可以给我们留下更深刻而持久的记忆和思考。As an experience, failure is sometimes more valuable than success. Failure can give us a more profound and lasting memory and thinking.

美,无处不在。美,是一个晨曦初霞的黎明,是一个夕阳西下的黄昏,是一株娇艳欲滴的花朵。The United States, everywhere. Beauty, is in a dawn dawn of chardonnay, is a setting sun at dusk, delicate and charming be about to drip, was a flower.

悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。理智些看问题,纯真些看人生。Pessimistic see success, optimistic look at failure. Easy easier to see yourself, look at the others. Sensible to see a problem, look innocent life.
