
撒罪孽的,必收灾�。And the iniquity shall be evil.

多托谁,就向谁多要。Who first, who want to.

二人同睡,就都暖和。Two people sleep together, they are warm.

快乐至极,就生愁苦。The end of joy, grief.

工人得工价,是应当的。The worker wages, it is.

不要被人虚浮的话欺哄。Let no man deceive you with vain words.

赦免少的,他的爱就少。His love is less than that of the forgiven.

不要怜悯行诡诈的恶人。Do not pity the wicked and deceitful.

因酒错误的,就无智慧。Because the wine is wrong, there is no wisdom.

一点面酵能使全团发起来。A little leaven leavens the whole lump.


患难生忍耐,忍耐生老练。Adversity brings patience, patience gives birth to a mature.

自称为聪明,反成了愚拙。Claiming to be clever, became fools.

一个罪人,能败坏许多善事。A sinner can ruin a lot of good.

喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识。Like discipline, is the love of knowledge.

所有犯罪的,就是罪的奴仆。All that sin is the servant of sin.

污秽的言语,一句不可出口。Foul language, a word that is not to be exported.

得着生命的,将要失丧生命。Life will lose its life.

不与我相合的,就是敌我的。Not with me, is the enemy.

恶人的强暴,必将自己扫除。The violence of the wicked will sweep away.

颂赞和咒诅从一个口里出来。Blessing and cursing from a mouth.
