
海,清凉的温情里有着幸福的悠荡,汹涌的波浪里也有爱的光华;梦,在深海的激流里开花,唱出的歌谣带着真情的童话。The sea, cool warmth with a happy swing, the surging waves of love also has a dream, bloom in the Guanghua; deep in the torrent, sing songs with true fairy tale.

空和大海相爱了,但他们的手无法相牵,爱也无法继续,天空哭了,海的双眼也湿了。因此她说:有一种界限永远无法跨越!Air and sea love each other, but their hands can not hold, love can not continue, the sky is crying, the sea’s eyes are wet. So she said, “there is a limit that can never be crossed.”!

瞧,远处如一副画卷的宁静的海,有着零星的几条帆船,一群群海鸟,仿佛时间静止了!Look at the distance, such as a pair of picture the quiet sea, there are several sailing sporadic, flocks of seabirds, as if time stood still!

浩瀚无边的湛蓝的海洋,一道道波浪不断涌来,撞击在岩石上,发出了天崩地裂的吼声,喷溅着雪白的泡沫。The vast blue ocean, a wave coming, the impact on the rock, a giant earthquakes and landslides roar, with white foam spray.

世界上最宽阔的东西是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的心灵。The widest in the world is the ocean, wider than the ocean is the sky, wider than the sky is the soul of the people.

在海的远处,水是那么蓝,像最美丽的矢车菊的花瓣.同时又是那么清,像最明亮的玻璃。Far out in the sea the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower, and as clear as the purest glass.

昏黄的街灯,烟波的海面。浪滚动着,轻轻发出声声呼唤。呼唤中几分哀愁,几分苍凉。Dim the lights, the sea. The waves rolling, gently calls. Call somewhat, somewhat bleak.

浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。Waves are the wonders of sea, but she is more like a dancer, she can put aside their worries people, enjoy.

大海啊!大海,天使也不知道,我为何对你如此迷恋,未来的未来,我还要为你献上我对海的祝福。The sea ah! The sea, the angels do not know why I am so infatuated with you, the future of the future, I would like to give you my blessing on the sea.

湖水在枯草丛里微微低语,远处不时传来一两只小鸭的扑翅声,使月夜的湖面更显得孤寂和冷清。Subtilis Cong in the lake in a whisper, from time to time from a distance of 12 ducklings sound, the more the Moon Lake is lonely and deserted.


海水那么蓝,使人感到翡翠的颜色太浅,蓝宝石的颜色又太深,纵是名师高手,也难以描摹。The sea is so blue, the color of jade makes people feel too shallow blue color too deep, if it is a master teacher, but also difficult to describe.

海水满盈盈的,照在夕阳之下,浪涛像顽皮的小孩子似的跳跃不定,水面上一片金光。Yingying full of water, as in the setting sun, the waves like a naughty child like skipping, on the surface of a piece of gold.

大海是生命的母体;海水是生命的洗礼玉液;而面向大海,沐浴海风,感受滚滚红尘间千种风情乃人生一大乐事。The sea is the mother of life; the sea is the baptism of life and facing the sea bathing, Yuye; sea breeze, feel the red dust among thousands of style is a great pleasure in life.

树叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。Leaves white sail in the golden sea, just a few pieces of white feathers, gently floating, floating.

大海有让人惊心动魄的美,而活动于其中的还是人,是男人和女人,还有他们的爱情。The sea has breathtaking beauty, and in which people still are men and women, and their love.

无边无垠的海水里,朵朵欢快的浪花们轻快优美的舞姿,那是大海开心的时刻里展露出来的欢乐笑颜。The boundless sea, the waves were blossoming cheerful lively beautiful dance, it is revealed the happy moments in the joy of a smile.

大海啊大海,天使也不知道,我为何对你如此迷恋,未来的未来,我还要为你献上我对海的祝福。The sea, the sea, the angels do not know why I am so infatuated with you, the future of the future, I would like to give you my blessing on the sea.

宽阔无垠的海面上,海风劲健的脚步走过,海涛阵阵,波涛汹涌,卷起千堆雪,那是大海奏起的深沉雄浑阳刚的乐章。The broad expanse of the sea, the sea breeze strong pace through the waves, waves, roaring waves, roll up thousand heaps of snow, the sea is playing deep forceful masculine.

我常这样漫步海边,体味海的气息,海的深情,海的心怀。而海的潮汐,总这样带着豪迈与激情来回冲撞我的心声。I often walk by the sea, smell the smell of the sea, the sea of affection, the sea harbor. The sea tide, always with heroic passion and collision back and forth in my heart.

阵阵的海潮・轻轻地拍打礁石,宛如大海正在不紧不慢地抚弄着琴弦,演奏着海与月的小夜曲。The tide and gently bursts of rocks, like the sea is neither fast nor slow stroking strings, playing with the sea month serenade.
