
曾经人生酸辣苦,有了你之后,便凑齐了甜。Once life was bitter and bitter, with you, it was sweet.

不想流浪远方,只想在你身旁安心当个流氓。I don’t want to wander far away. I just want to be a hooligan beside you.

像我这种人,你除了宠着也没有其他办法。For people like me, there is nothing you can do but spoil.

刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。Just to mature, but also old, time, no use.

有时候疏远不是讨厌,而是太喜欢又很无奈。Sometimes alienation is not hatred, but too fond and helpless.

永远面向阳光,这样你就看不见阴影了。Always face the sun, so you can’t see the shado

仰天大笑出门去,我辈岂是蓬蒿人。Looking up to the sky and laughing out, my generation is not Penghao people.

现在的我很乖,没有谈恋爱,还在等你。Now I am very good, not in love, still waiting for you.

我喜欢现在的年纪,却不喜欢现在的自己。I like my age now, but I don’t like myself no

别和我谈恋爱,虚伪,有本事咱俩结婚。Don’t fall in love with me, hypocritical, capable of marrying us.


有毒的草开迷人的花,害你的人说爱你的话。The poisonous grass blossoms charming flowers, and the people who hurt you say what they love you.

这一生你只能遇到我一次,劝你三思。You can only meet me once in your life. Please think twice.

在世如莲,净心素雅,不污不垢,淡看浮华。In this world, such as lotus, pure and elegant, not dirty, look at flashy.

那是多么久远了的时光,我却始终惦记不放。It was such a long time, but I still miss it.

青春作证,理想作证,我付出,我无悔!Youth as a witness, ideals as a witness, I pay, I have no regrets!

你若不是可有可无,他又怎会对你忽冷忽热。If you are not indispensable, how can he turn cold and hot to you?

强大的人不是征服什么,而是能承受什么。A strong man is not what he conquers, but what he can bear.

我知道人这一生:无情的不是人,是时间。I know that human life: ruthless is not human, it is time.

所谓风花雪月,就是我想跟你谈个恋爱。The so-called snowy moon is that I want to talk to you about a love.

等你来,海角天涯,和我一起山花浪漫。Wait till you come, the ends of the sea and the ends of the earth, together with me, mountain flowers are romantic.
