
随风飘摇红尘一笑,只为醉逍遥。Fluttering red smile, only for the drunk.

幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得。Happiness is not about what you think, but what you get.

今朝有酒今朝醉,一路坎坷不后退。At present, there is a wine drunk, all the way to the ups and downs do not retreat.

脑袋空空不要紧,关键是不要进水。Empty head is not important, the key is not to water.

葡萄美酒夜光杯,金钱野鸭一大堆。Wine glowing in the luminous jade cups, a lot of money wild duck.

海是倒过来的天姐妹是倒不完的水。The sea is upside down the day and sisters are not over the water.

我不是没脾气,只是不轻易发脾气。I didn’t lose my temper, but I didn’t lose my temper easily.

天冷了,记得围上围巾,戴好帽子。It was cold, remember to wear a hat and scarf.

很多时候女人不是笨,只是懒得聪明。A lot of times a woman is not stupid, just too lazy to smart.

分手后,才知道谁是真情,谁是假意。After the break, to know who is the truth, who is false.


别在姐面前装人物,你顶多是个动物。Don’t you figure in the elder sister in front, at the most is the animal.

躺在万劫不复的街头,画地为牢守候。Lying in the street waiting for the prison doomed eternally.

你的眼里没有我,永远看不到我伤感。You don’t have me in your eyes, I can’t see my sadness.

闺蜜第一,爱人唯一,父母无人能比。Bestie first, the only love, no one can than parents.

我就剩那么一点倔强,称得上我的优点。I have so a little stubborn, be called my advantage.

做个女汉子谁把你当备胎你就让谁爆胎。A man who put you when you let who spare tire.

解放军叔叔、为什么你们都带着绿帽子。The PLA uncle, why are you with a cuckold.

就�我一��人失��,消失在��的世界�Y。Let me amnesia, disappear in your world.

我姓坚名强,只要没死就还能笑的猖狂。My name is Kennedy name, if not dead can still laugh rampant.

姐没有错过,只有错的一塌糊涂的时候。I did not miss, only wrong in a complete mess.
