
去死吧!Go to hell!

你真让我恶心!You make me sick.

城墙再厚、也抵不住你那张脸!The walls are thick, and you can’t resist your face!

别那样!Don’t do that!

别隐身了,我早把你删了。Don’t be invisible, I’ve already deleted you.

太不公平了。It’s unfair!

你说什么?I beg your pardon?

贱人那么多,你可真是够突出的。Bitch so much, you are really really outstanding.

你脑子进水啊?What were you thinking?

我才不信你呢!I can’t believe a word you said.

你怎么回事啊?What’s your problem?

跟我比温柔那是找抽。And I’m more than soft that is to find out.

为何就这样放弃治疗,小伙伴!Why so give up treatment, small partners!

你对我什么都不是。You’re nothing to me.

哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。Take a hike!

跟你能好好说话,但不能说好话。Talk to you, but you can’t say a word.

一看你就是喝三鹿长大的。A look at you is to drink Sanlu grew up.

你以为你是谁?Who do you think you are?

你长着一张西门庆的脸。You have a face of Ximen Qing.

你们全家都上山拍老虎去了!Your whole family went up to the mountain to shoot the tiger!
