闭嘴!Shut up!
你敢!Dare you!
走开。Go away。
真糟糕!Really bad!
谁说的?Who said that?
别碰我!Don’t touch me.
省省吧。Save it.
别烦我。Stop bugging me.
去死吧!Go to hell!
你自找的。You asked for it.
别发牢骚!Don’t whine!
你这蠢猪!You stupid jerk!
别鬼混了!Stop fooling around!
我不想听!I don’t want to hear it.
关你屁事!It’s none of your business.
我宰了你!I could kill you!
我们完了!We’re done!
真让我失望。I’m very disappointed.
少跟我罗嗦。Get off my back.
你太过分了!You have crossed the line!