
人生不过是一场旅行,你路过我,我路过你,然后各自修行,各自向前。Life is but a journey, you pass by me, I pass by you, and then their own practice, their forward.

我们一路上兴致勃勃地旅行参观,当夕阳西下时,才恋恋不舍地离开。The way we travel in the best of spirits to visit, when sunset, was unable to part from.

记住,你和我,有一场说走就走的旅行。Remember, you and me, there’s a journey to go.

一个人,一条狗,一场说走就走的旅行。A man, a dog, a journey to walk on.

又升起,继续点燃我的梦想;感谢那些曾让我伤心难过的日子,我知道快乐已经离我不远了。Also rise, continue to light my dream; thank those who have made me sad sad day, I know that happiness is not far away from me.

当遗忘变成另一种开始,我踏出了旅途的第一步!When forgetting turns to another, I take the first step of the journey!

凡是遥远的地方,都有一种诱惑,不是因为美丽,不是因为距离,而是因为我那颗猎奇的心,躁动不安。Any far place, there is a temptation, not because of the beautiful, not because of the distance, but because of my heart Lieji heart, restless restless.

旅行要学会随遇而安,淡然一点,走走停停。Travel to learn things, indifferent, stop and go.

怪天怪地,我都不会怪你,你有选择幸福的权利。Strange strange, I will not blame you, you have the right to choose happiness.

与其说散就散的友情,倒不如来一场说走就走的旅行。Rather than just scattered friendship, it would be a field trip.


爱情是一场说走就走的旅行,谁会知道下一个路口遇见的会是谁?Love is a walk on the road to walk, who will know the next intersection will meet who?

保持年轻,就要背起行囊。无论是爱情还是青春,其实都在旅行的路上。不旅行,就会老。Stay young, to pack. Whether it is love or youth, in fact, all the way to travel. Do not travel, will be old.

人生,需要一场说走就走的旅行。Life, you need to go on a journey.

嘿,陪我来一场说走就走的旅行吧!Hey, come on with me. Let’s go on a journey!

因为有梦,所以勇敢出发,选择出发,便只顾风雨兼程。Because of the dream, so brave of choice, they only trials and hardships.

躲在墙角、掩藏那孤独而又不奢怜悯的伤。Hiding in the corner, hiding lonely without much mercy wound.

人生至少要有两次冲动,一为奋不顾身的爱情,一为说走就走的旅行。Life at least two impulses, one for love is regardless of personal danger, go to travel.

当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。When forget to become another beginning, faded memories, the pain is the most real.

一颗说走就走的心,一个会拍照的情侣,一段甜蜜的旅程。A walk on the heart, one will take pictures of lovers, a sweet journey.

离开你的那一天开始,左心房渐渐停止跳动。From the day you left, the left atrium gradually stopped beating.


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