
用一场说走就走的旅行寻找自由!Find the freedom to walk on a journey!

我和西藏之间,只隔着一张火车票!Between me and Tibet, just across a train ticket!

一个背包,几本书,所有喜欢的歌,一张单程车票,一颗潇洒的心。A backpack, a few books, all the favorite songs, a single ticket, a smart heart.

有时候,在旅行中,你会遇到一辈子的好朋友,完全没有任何关系的两个人,就这么简单的走到一起。Sometimes, in travel, you will encounter a lifetime of good friends, there is no relationship between the two people, it is so simple to come together.

人生最好的旅行,就是你在一个陌生的地方,发现一种久违的感动。The best travel life, you are in a strange place, found a long time moving.

每一次的旅行,我都可以自己走,自己照顾自己。Every time I travel, I can go by myself and take care of myself.

旅行是为了离开,旅行是对庸常生活的一次越狱。Travel is to leave, travel is a breakout of the daily life.

什么天荒地老,什么至死不渝。都只是锦上添花的借口。What forever, what will never change until death. Are only the icing on the cake excuse.

要么读书、要么旅行,灵魂和身体,必须有一个在路上。Either reading or traveling, the soul and the body must be on the way.

来一场说走就走的旅行,人模狗样的去,灰头土脸的回来。A trip to the gray, pretend to be cool, come back.


旅行就是,即使是同一个世界,你们发现的却是不一样的世界。Travel is, even if it is the same world, you find the world is not the same.

一个人旅行,不理会繁杂的琐事,自由自在地,去体验一个城市,一段故事,留下一片欢笑。A person traveling, do not care about the complex trivial, free, to experience a city, a story, leaving a laugh.

对我个人而言,它让我找到了信仰。一个有信仰的人生,不管成不成功,至少不会迷茫。For me, it makes me believe. A belief in life, regardless of success, at least not confused.

时代依旧负重前行,而你我已凌波微步。Time still before loading the line, and you and I have Ling Bo.

人生就像一条奔流不息的江河,永远没有回流。趁年轻,来一场说走就走的旅行。Life is like a running river, never return. Take advantage of the young, a trip to say go.

年轻时的两个冲动,一是奋不顾身的爱情,另一个是说走就走的旅行。Two impulse when young, one is regardless of personal danger love, the other is a go to travel.

那场说走就走的旅行,也许,将被终身监禁。The trip, perhaps, will be in prison for life.

有的事情现在不做,就一辈子也不会做了。每次都是想到这个,提着包就走了。Some things do not do now, will not do for a lifetime. Every time you think of this, carrying the bag on the left.

我也曾想过要有一场说走就走的旅行,可惜,被现实已经折磨的毫无形状了了。I have thought about going to have a walk on the trip, but unfortunately, the reality has been tortured by the shape of the.

还说神马来一场说走就走的旅行,工作后就连一场说走就走的下班都不行。Also said that the horse to a horse to go on the trip, after work, even a say go off work will not work.
