大海拥有的,不仅仅是一种色彩,它所拥有的是一种精神,是生命。所以,我面对的是大海博大的胸怀。The sea has, not just a color, it is a kind of spirit, is the life. So, I face is the sea broad mind.
海,一切平静、安详;有时却像咆哮的雄狮,在狂暴的发怒着,风平静时,只听见那浪花亲吻着沙滩上的石头的声音。The sea, all calm and serene; sometimes like a roaring lion, in furious anger, calm wind, only to hear the waves kiss the stone on the beach sounds.
大海、一望无垠,就是乎永远游不到尽头一样;大海、湛蓝湛蓝,就是乎一位生气的老师脸色发青。The sea is boundless, and almost always can not swim to the end; the sea, blue, is almost an angry teacher was blue in the face.
是啊!满视野的蓝色。无暇、透明,纯洁、安静,足以融化自己的一种颜色,那是自然唯一赋予大海的颜色。Yes ah! Blue in full vie No time, transparent, pure, quiet, enough to melt a color of their own, it is the only natural given the color of the sea.
大海、像一位幽默智慧的老人;大海像一位害羞的小姑娘;大海、像一位伟大的母亲;大海、像一位发怒的壮汉;大海、像一位神秘的魔术师。The sea, like a sense of humor and wisdom of the elderly; the sea like a shy little girl; the sea, like a great mother; the sea, like an angry man; the sea, like a mysterious magician.
大海一望无垠,就是乎永远游不到尽头一样;大海、湛蓝湛蓝,就是乎一位生气的老师脸色发青。The sea is boundless, almost always can not swim to the end; the sea, blue, is almost an angry teacher was blue in the face.
一层层的浪涛向远处扩展延伸,慢慢平息下去,像是喘一口气似的,留下一片转瞬即逝的泡沫,还有摇晃着的海藻的霉腥味。A layer of the extension to the distance, slowly calm down, like breath like, leave a fleeting bubble, and shook the bad smell of seaweed.
海,真的海,同北方高原那片苍茫的土地一样,凝聚着一种无法言说的神秘的生命力,给人一种超越自然的深刻。The sea, really the sea, with the northern plateau vast land, together with an unspeakable secret life, give a person a kind of beyond the natural deep.
大海、水平如镜像一位深沉的作家;大海、浪花飞溅像一头巨龙在云中翻腾;大海、像丝绸之路的绸缎照耀着海面五彩缤纷。The sea level, such as a deep sea spray, writer image; like a dragon in the clouds billow; the sea, like the Silk Road on the sea silk, a riot of colours.
数叶白帆,在这水天一色金光闪闪的海面上,就像几片雪白的羽毛似的,轻悠悠地漂动着,漂动着。The number of leaves white sail in the golden sea, just a few pieces of white feathers, gently floating, floating.
难忘那清爽的潮湿的带着谈谈的海腥味的海风,吹拂着人的头发面颊身体的每一处的感觉。就像艳丽丰盈的女人一样的诱人。Forget the fresh wet with talk about the smell of the sea breeze, blowing the hair face body every feeling. Like a beautiful woman like a plump attractive.
难忘那清爽的潮湿的带着谈谈的海腥味的海风,吹拂着人的头发、面颊、身体的每一处的感觉。就像艳丽丰盈的女人一样的诱人。Forget the fresh wet with talk about the smell of the sea breeze, blowing their hair, cheeks, body every feeling. Like a beautiful woman like a plump attractive.
浩瀚无边的湛蓝的海洋,一道道波浪不断涌来,撞击在岩石上,发出了天崩地裂的吼声,喷溅着雪白的泡沫。The vast blue ocean, a wave coming, the impact on the rock, a giant earthquakes and landslides roar, with white foam spray.
很远很远就听见在海呼呼的声响,这雄伟与剥落的声响使人们感到一种具有音乐感的豪放美与雄壮美。I heard far away in the sea whir, this magnificent and peeling of the sound to make people feel a sense of beauty and style of music with male beauty.
昏黄的街灯,烟波的海面。浪滚动着,轻轻发出声声呼唤。呼唤中几分哀愁,几分苍凉。Dim the lights, the sea. The waves rolling, gently calls. Call somewhat, somewhat bleak.
我爱你大海,爱你的浩瀚无际,也爱你的美丽,更爱你的神秘感。大海你是一位宽容的母亲。大海,你的宽容大度,是我们学习的榜样。I love you the sea, the vastness of your love, but also the beauty of your love, love your mystery. The sea, you are a tolerant mother. The sea, your tolerance, is the example of our study.
海,清凉的温情里有着幸福的悠荡,汹涌的波浪里也有爱的光华;梦,在深海的激流里开花,唱出的歌谣带着真情的童话。The sea, cool warmth with a happy swing, the surging waves of love also has a dream, bloom in the Guanghua; deep in the torrent, sing songs with true fairy tale.
浪花是海上的奇景,可她更像一位舞蹈家,她能使人抛开烦恼,尽情地欣赏。Waves are the wonders of sea, but she is more like a dancer, she can put aside their worries people, enjoy.
阳光照在波光细细的湖面上,像给水面铺上了一层闪闪发光的碎银,又像被揉皱了的绿缎。The sun shines on the shimmering thin lake, like surface covered with a layer of glittering coins, be like a crumpled green satin.
大海是生命的母体;海水是生命的洗礼玉液;而面向大海,沐浴海风,感受滚滚红尘间千种风情乃人生一大乐事。The sea is the mother of life; the sea is the baptism of life and facing the sea bathing, Yuye; sea breeze, feel the red dust among thousands of style is a great pleasure in life.