

每逢春节来临,家家户户都燃起鞭炮,放起礼花,辞旧迎新,释放一年的快乐。我当然也不例外,过足了放鞭炮的瘾。回忆起童年放鞭炮来,别有一番滋味在心头。Every Spring Festival, every family all lit firecrackers, put fireworks, new year, release a year of happiness. Of course, I am no exception, too enough to set off firecrackers addiction. Memories of childhood to set off firecrackers, do not have a taste in my heart.

五彩缤纷的礼花,有的像钢花飞溅,有的似麦浪滚滚,有的好比金雨阵阵,有的仿佛银花朵朵,有的恰似红燕飞舞,有的宛如孔雀开屏。A riot of colours of fireworks, some like flower splash, like some undulating, some like golden rain bursts, as if some silver flower blossoming, some RED-SWALLOW like dancing, some like a peacock.

蜡烛歪倒就把灯笼烧成了灰烬,那一定是新年最郁闷的时刻。有些宽容的家长就再给孩子再买一个或者重新做一个,有些孩子只有闷闷不乐地看别人打灯笼了。When the candle falls, it becomes the most depressing moment of the new year. Some tolerant parents will give their children to buy another one or a new one, some children only look at other people playing lanterns.

在尽情赏月之际,家中的亲人总会情不自禁地想起异乡的游子,异乡的游子也总会情不自禁地思念起其家中的亲人。Enjoy the full moon on the occasion, the family home in a foreign land to remember always unable to restrain the emotions, a foreign land will also miss the home unable to restrain the emotions of the family.

春节的来临,意味着春天将要降临,万象复苏草木更新,人们在度过了冰天雪地草木凋零的寒冬后,早就盼望着春暖花开的日子。怪不得在春节时,人们会这么喜悦地来迎接这个节日。The Spring Festival is coming, it means spring will come, the recovery of vegetation in Vientiane update, people had a world of ice and snow vegetation withered after the winter, long time looking forward to the spring. No wonder at the Spring Festival, people will be so happy to meet this festival.

端午是个美好的节日,在这并不美好的现实中可以寄寓一些幽思,让凡尘蒙蔽的心,在青色的古意间得到片刻的回归,认取生命中的真意,可以让生命更加真实一些。The Dragon Boat Festival is a wonderful holiday, this is not good in reality can express some thoughts, let the world blind heart, a regression in the blue of the old, recognize the real meaning of life, can make life more real.

只见深蓝色的天空布满了五彩斑斓的礼花,开放的礼花如一个个彩球,似一朵朵雪花,像一颗颗拖着彩带的流星,把漆黑的夜空照的如同白昼一样,把元宵之夜变得无比美丽。I saw the deep blue sky full of colorful fireworks, fireworks open as a ball, like snowflakes, like a ribbon with the meteor, the dark sky shine like day, the Lantern Festival night become very beautiful.

我期盼这春节,春节是新的开始,是播种希望的季节。新的一年,我长大一岁,我有了新的希望,我将要播下美丽的种子,收获幸福与爱的果实。I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a new beginning, is the season of sowing hope. The new year, I grew up one year old, I have a new hope, I will sow the seeds of the beautiful, the harvest of happiness and love of fruit.

中秋之夜,月圆如镜,月华如洗。当家家户户摆出月饼,柚子,石榴,核桃,花生,西爪等果品,边赏月,边畅谈,其乐陶陶,其景融融,何其快哉。The night of the Mid Autumn Festival, the moon is like a mirror, such as washing the moon. Every household put cakes, grapefruit, pomegranates, walnuts, peanuts, West Java and other fruit, full moon, side talk, the joy of the king, and Qi yoshiya.

中国人历来把家人团圆,亲友团聚,共享天伦之乐看得极其珍贵。都说每逢佳节倍思亲,何况是这象征团圆美满的中秋佳节呢。Chinese has always been the family reunion, family reunion, sharing the happiness of a family union look very precious. They say that every festival times, not to mention it is a symbol of reunion happy mid autumn festival.


零点钟声还未响,我来提前拜大年,玉兔作揖迎瑞龙,美好祝福抢在前,真心祝福在龙年:龙精虎猛身体棒!龙腾虎跃事事旺!Zero is not ringing the bell, I came to worship early Danian, rabbit with Ying Ruilong wishes, grab the first, sincere blessing in the year of the Dragon: energetic body! A scene of bustling activity everything prosperous!

姑娘们唱起悦耳的民歌,手拉手地跳着。一会儿合成小圆圈,就像含苞欲放的花莆,一会儿扩成大圆圈,又像是怒放的鲜花。The girls sang sweet folk songs, and danced with hands in hands. A synthetic small circle, like a flower Po a bud just ready to burst, expanded into a large circle, and like the flowers in full bloom.

腊月的村庄,空气中有一种气韵在流转和飘散着,看不见,摸不着,却惹得人心里快乐,这些日子,即便是晚上做梦,梦中也涟漪般荡漾着愉悦和舒心。The twelfth lunar month village, there is a spirit of the air waft in circulation and, unseen, touched, they make people feel happy, these days, even the night dream, the dream also ripples rippling pleasure and comfort.

一年的日子是诗集,正月就是色彩斑斓的封面。封面上画着玻璃窗上喜鹊登梅肥猪拱门的喧闹,画着脆生生的鞭炮炸响的粗门大嗓,画着大街上高跷旱船的豪壮和潇洒。Day of the year is the colorful cover is poetry. Cover painted on the noisy window cyana hog arches, thick door big voice painted CuiShengSheng fireworks, painted on the streets of grand and chic Hanchuan stilts.

八月桂花香啊!我放轻脚步落满梧桐。中秋的月饼圆了我尚待成熟的心。用这样的心场做一轮月,让苞米大豆高粱在上面碾出金黄!我可以自豪地举杯,无愧于日月,无愧于天地人!August sweet scented osmanthus! I put the light footsteps down the full plane. Mid autumn moon cake round my heart is still to mature. With such a heart field do a month, let out the golden corn soybean sorghum grind on! I can proudly toast, worthy of the sun and the moon, worthy of heaven and earth!

在中秋佳节之即,让我们向辛勤哺育我们的父母,无私奉献的老师们真城说一声:您辛苦了!我们会努力学习文化知识,长大成为祖国有用之材,为国家的建设,民族的振兴,奉献自己的力量!In the mid autumn festival that is, let us work hard to feed our parents, selfless dedication of the teachers who say: you are hard! We will work hard to learn cultural knowledge, grow up to become a useful material for the motherland, for the country’s construction, the revitalization of the nation, the dedication of their own strength!

中秋节也是东亚民间的一个传统节日,受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是日本韩国等国的传统节日。The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in East Asia. The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in Japan, South Korea and other countries.

春节是中国最古老的节日,是一年四季中最隆重的日子。尽管我们民族众多,幅员辽阔,但是千百年以来,还是逐渐形成了较为固定的风俗习惯。The Spring Festival is the most ancient festival in China. It is the most solemn day of the year. Although many of our nation, a vast territory, but for thousands of years, has gradually formed a relatively fixed customs and habits.

我们其实是为了春节而活着,春节是我们的人生大典。人这一生,总得穿一次好衣服,总得吃一次美味佳肴,总得毫不心疼地挥霍一下,总得毫无顾忌的大笑一声,总得过上一天的好日子。In fact, we are to live the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is our life. People in this life, you have to wear a good clothes, you have to eat a delicious food, you have to spend a little money without any pain, you have to laugh a little, you have to live a day of good life.

杯酒过汨罗这个耐人寻味的已然离我们远去,可以探寻的足迹唯有盘中微微泛黄的粽叶,婉转西流的汨罗江和江边那一缕亘古不变的。A cup of wine in Miluo this intriguing is away from us, you can explore the footprint only after the leaves slightly yellowed, mildly West flow of Miluo River and the Yangtze River that a wisp of everlasting.


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