
承担义务是幸福而长久的婚姻关系的基础。Commitment is the foundation of a happy and long lasting relationship.

夫妻俩过日子要像一双筷子:一是谁也离不开谁;二是什么酸甜苦辣都能在一起尝。A married couple is like a pair of chopsticks: one is who also cannot do without who; two is what can together sour, sweet, bitter, hot taste.

爱情才是婚姻的解药,只有有爱情的婚姻,无名指上的戒指才能永恒存在,我想和你恋爱到老。Love is the marriage of the antidote, only a love marriage, ring finger ring can exist forever, I want to love you to the old.

眼泪可以感动一时,不能感动一世,有流泪的功夫想想实际的吧。Tears can be moved for a moment, can not be moved to the world, there are tears in the effort to think about the actual bar.

婚姻,若非天堂,即是地狱。Marriage, not heaven, hell is.

婚姻不是一张彩票,即使输了也不能一撕了事。Marriage is not a lottery ticket, even if the lost can not be a tear.

洋溢在喜悦的天堂,披着闪闪月光,堪叹:只羡鸳鸯不羡仙。Filled with the joy of heaven, shining in the moonlight, sigh: not only Yuanyang xian.

成功的婚姻的秘诀在于:把大灾难看成小事故,而不要把小事故看成大灾难。The secret of a successful marriage is to regard the great disaster as a minor accident, rather than as a catastrophe.

生活是一杯清水,你放一点糖它就甜;放一点盐它就咸!Life is a cup of water, you put a little sugar, it is sweet; put a little salt it is salty!

不要把一时冲动当成爱吧,如果爱只是曾经拥有,那么,为什么会有那么多人期待天长地久?Don’t put the impulse as love, if love is just happened, then, why are there so many people look forward to enduring as the universe?

人是不习惯于冰冷的,常常就会和另一些温暖的异性相互取暖,因此不免也造成很多情感危机。People are not accustomed to the cold, and often will warm the opposite sex with each other, so can not but also cause a lot of emotional crisis.

爱情是一味良药,用好了,可以让人怀念一生。用不好,只能一次次的将自己伤害。Love is a good medicine, with good, can make people miss a lifetime. Used is not good, can only be hurt again and again.

婚姻中只有宽容的爱和互相的体谅才能够相濡以漠的白头到老。Marriage only tolerance love and consideration for each other to moisten desert to reach old age together.

两情相悦的最高境界是相对两无厌,祝福你们真心相爱,牵手相约永久!恭贺新婚之禧!Is the highest realm of relative two two feeders, bless you really love each other, hand in hand together forever! Congratulations on the jubilee!

哪里有没有爱情的婚姻,哪里就有不结婚的爱情。Where there is no love of marriage, where there is no marriage love.

婚姻实质上是伦理关系。婚姻是具有法定意义的伦理性的爱。Marriage is essentially an ethical relationship. Marriage is an ethical love with legal meaning.

恋爱是播下的种,婚姻是长成的苗,只有细心的呵护,精心的培育,才能开出芬芳的花。Love is a kind of sow, the marriage is to grow into the seedlings, only careful care, careful cultivation, can open the fragrance of flowers.

婚姻之门,不要盲目跟进。婚姻是有责任的,随便进出必然会让你进退两难痛不欲生。Marriage of the door, do not blindly follow up. Marriage is just out of responsibility, will let you in a nice hobble hardly wished to live.

付出真爱,才能无愧于心:值得你爱,就会无怨无悔。Love, worthy to heart: worthy of your love, will be no regrets.

人家说女人是半个男人,这话是不错的。因为结婚的男人只剩下半个男人了。They say that a woman is half a man, this is a good. Because married men only have half a man.
