熊猫高兴的时候,就在地上翻筋斗,像一个大皮球在地上滚动。The panda was happy, on the ground somersault, like a big ball rolling on the ground.
蝴蝶初翻帘绣,万玉女、齐回舞袖。At the beginning of the butterfly double curtain embroidered, 000, lady together back sleeves.
油铃在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。The oil here sings, crickets play here.
春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。The spring, the little swallow hurried back and.
它的腿很短,奔跑时步子又快又小,尾巴一翘一翘的,很有趣。Its leg is very short, run when the steps are fast and small, the tail of a warped, very interesting.
一只毛茸茸的小狗,象绒球似的从草垛旁边蹦了出来。A shaggy dog, like a pompon like crawled next to jump out.
太阳鸟的嘴巴生得十分奇特,很像一把锥子,又尖又长,略微有点弯曲。The sun bird’s mouth was very strange, like an awl, long and sharp, slightly curved.
白狗像一片漂浮的羽毛,在绿篱间移动。The white dog like a feather floating in the hedge between mobile.
小蜜蜂嗡嗡嘤嘤的,浅唱出一支和谐的歌曲。Small bees buzzing, shallow sing a song of harmony.
小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。The small black cat’s long tail is like a small whip.
它的嗅觉灵敏,哪怕有一丁点儿腥味它都闻得出来。It’s a sensitive sense of smell, even the slightest smell can smell it.
这只雄马鹿比母马鹿更漂亮,它那两只角就像是两棵美丽的珊瑚树。This male red deer is more beautiful than female red deer, its two horns like two beautiful coral tree.
硕大的螃蟹口吐白沫,八只脚横着行走,活像个蛮不讲理的霸主。The huge crab froth at the mouth, eight feet walking sideways, like a savage and absurd overlord.
小猫调皮极了,跳舞似的在狗背上翻筋斗。Cat is very naughty, dancing like a somersault on the back of a dog.
小鹿跟在母鹿的后面,像个警卫战士。In the back of the deer and deer, like a soldier.
小毛驴是那样惹人喜爱,黑眼珠滴滴溜溜乱转,撒起欢儿来像一只小鹿。The little donkey is so endearing, black eyes wandering drop, and the child to enjoy like a deer.
大龙虾,在月光下,活像披甲戴盔的勇士。Lobster, in the moonlight, like armored helmet wearing warriors.
小黑雀在细线般的柳条上,好像乐谱上的音符。The black bird in the thread of wicker, like notes on a page.
千万只蜜蜂在蜂箱前飞动,嗡嗡声好像许多小小的发动机。Millions of bees in the hive before flying, humming like many small engines.
海蜇的外形像一把雨伞,也可以说像一朵连根拔起的大蘑菇。The jellyfish shaped like an umbrella, but also can be said as a flower uprooted big mushroom.