
她性格爽朗,像个男子汉,任何困难都难使她愁眉不展。She is cheerful, like a man, no difficulty that she bend the brows.

从小到大,他从来都是不服输的,并且永不放弃。From small to large, he is never give up and never give up.

小光是我的同学,圆圆的脸上有一双明亮的大眼睛。他学习不错,就是不爱干活儿。偶尔让他干点活儿,他就噘着嘴,耷拉着脑袋,老大的不高兴,走起路来也懒洋洋的。The light is my classmate, a pair of bright eyes round face. He studies well, that is, he does not love to do work. Occasionally let him work, he pout, hung his head, the boss is not happy to walk too lazy.

他一旦认定某一做法后,三匹马也休想拉回他的意志和决心。He once found a way, three horses could not back to his will and determination.

我从来不低头,现在脖子也硬得铁筒一般。I never looked down, and now my neck is stiff.

班里的同学都夸我聪明能干,其实我并不聪明,只是肯用功,不贪玩罢了。My classmates are my smart, but I’m not smart, is willing to work hard and not fun.

我班有一个小女生,她有一头乌黑发亮的披肩发,一双秋水般的大眼睛,长长的睫毛一眨一眨,像仙女一般挑人心铉。There is a girl in my class, she has a head of black hair, a pair of eyes, big eyes, long eyelashes blink, like a fairy people pick hyun.

老爷爷那饱经风霜的脸,好像用红铜铸成,宽宽的额角上,常常刻着几条显示出坚强意志的皱纹。The old man’s face seems to have experienced years of wind and frost, with copper cast, broad forehead, often engraved several shows strong willed wrinkles.

她以坚强的毅力,克服了生理上的缺陷,终于考上了大学。Her strong willpower, overcome the physical defects, and finally admitted to the university.

我可不喜欢妈妈凡事都替我做好,我渴望自立,渴望有自己的空间。I don’t like my mother doing everything for me, I want to be independent, eager to have their own space.


我就是这样,对什么事都认真,我认为对,就一条道走到黑。I was like this, I think everything is serious, I think it is right, it is a way to go to black.

建华同学身材均匀,不胖不瘦,乌黑的头发梳成两条细长的辫子,红润的瓜子脸,圆圆的大眼睛,脸颊上有两个深深的酒窝,显得活泼可爱。Jianhua students build evenly, not fat not thin, black hair braids two slender, ruddy face, round eyes and two deep dimples on the cheek, it is lively and cute.

婶婶做事一向小心,走一步看三步,遇事总是多准备几手。My aunt always careful to go step by step three, always failing to prepare a few hands.

别人顶撞了我,我也不嫉恨,妈妈说我的心就像一潭泉水,一眼就看见底了。Others contradict me, I don’t envy, mother said my heart is like a pool of water, see the bottom.

从此,我跟谁也不说话,遇事让着他们,成天闷声不响地刻苦学习。From then on, I never spoke to anyone, he let them all in silence to study hard.

爷爷特别爱清洁,总是把自己的房间打扫得一尘不染。有时候,他还帮我收拾房间,替我整理东西。Grandpa loves clean, always keep your room clean. Sometimes, he also helps me to tidy up the room, tidy up things for me.

奶奶特别热情善良,左邻右舍有什么困难,她总热心帮忙,大家都说我奶奶是个大好人.Grandma especially warm hearted, next door neighbours what difficulties, she is always eager to help, everyone said that my grandmother is a great guy.

奶奶对我特别娇惯,每当爸爸批评我,她就帮我求情。Grandma to me spoiled, when Dad criticized me, she would help me.

她,一张白净的瓜子脸,眉毛弯得像月亮,眼睛又亮又黑,像发亮的黑珍珠,鼻子有点儿翘,嘴巴不大不小,黑里带黄的头发上扎着一条粗粗的辫子。She, a white face, eyebrows bent like the moon, eyes bright and dark, like a shiny black pearl, nose a little Alice mouth small, black with yellow hair wearing a thick braid.

我像一只勇敢的雏鹰在蓝天飞翔,不怕航程遥远,不怕风雨吹打。I like a brave eagles flying in the blue sky, not afraid of a distant voyage, not afraid of wind and rain.
