
人生的出场顺序很重要,不是你不够好,而是你来的不够巧。The order of appearances in life is very important, not that you are not good enough, but that you are not good enough.

对你又怎能说忘就忘呢,毕竟真的喜欢过你。How can you say forget and forget about you? After all, I really liked you.

我不喜欢的东西,再好再贵在我心里也是垃圾,比如说你。What I don’t like, no matter how good it is, it’s rubbish in my heart, like you.

我可能不完美,但是我至少不虚伪。I may not be perfect, but at least I am not hypocritical.

孤单不过是孤单点,而将就就是折磨。Loneliness is just loneliness, and it will be torture.

没有什么是完美的,这个世界并不完美,所以才显得美丽。Nothing is perfect, the world is not perfect, so it looks beautiful.

一人花开,一人花落,这些年从头到尾,无人问询。One flower blossoms, one flower falls, all these years from beginning to end, no one asked.

陪你走过漫长马拉松的人是我,等在终点的却是别人!It’s me who accompanies you through the long marathon, but it’s someone else who waits for you at the end of the marathon.

说好的,一辈子,缺一分缺一秒都不是一辈子。Say yes, a lifetime, a minute missing a second is not a lifetime.

别沮丧,生活就像心电图,一帆风顺就证明你挂了。Don’t be depressed. Life is like an electrocardiogram. A smooth sailing proves you’re dead.


三生三世十里桃花,都抵不过这辈子的青梅竹马。The peach blossoms of three generations, three generations and ten miles can not withstand the green plums and bamboo horses of this lifetime.

阅尽诸子散文,看遍百家妙语,只想读懂你。Read all the prose of all the scholars, read all the witty words, just want to understand you.

只说银河是泪水,原来银河轻浅却是形容喜悦。Just say that the Milky Way is a tear, the original Milky Way is light but describes joy.

冬天花败,春暖花开,有人离去,有人归来。Flowers fail in winter, flowers blossom in spring, some people leave, others return.

你知道你和星星有什么区别吗?星星在天上,你在我心里。Do you know the difference between you and the stars? Stars in the sky, you are in my heart.

你心里的委屈,不管是谁给的,都由我来负责。I am responsible for the grievances in your heart, whoever gives them.

我不要你的道歉,因为一旦说了对不起,就代表一定有亏欠。I don’t want your apology, because once you say you’re sorry, it means you must be in debt.

最好的感觉是,当我朝你看过去时,你已经在凝视着我。The best feeling is that when I look at you, you’re already staring at me.

一万个美丽的未来,抵不上一个温暖的现在。Ten thousand beautiful futures are not worth a warm present.

假装微笑,就如一切未曾发生一样。这不是放弃,而是成熟。Pretend to smile as if nothing had happened. It’s not giving up, it’s maturing.
