

一个人要是靠劳动养活亲人,他就没有权利牺牲,否则,他就是家里的逃兵。If a person by working to feed relatives, he has no right to sacrifice, otherwise, he is at home.

世上有两种生灵能在心灵深处战栗:一是寻回孩子的母亲,一是抓到猎物的猛虎。There are two kinds of people can tremble in the depths of the soul: one is found the child’s mother, a tiger caught prey.

经过长期的摸索,科学今日已经知道肥效最高的肥料就是人肥。如果说我们的黄金是粪尿,反之,我们的粪尿就是黄金。After a long exploration, science today already know the highest fertilizer fertilizer is human manure. If our gold is manure, on the contrary, our manure is gold.

善于思索的人,很少用幸福者和不幸者这种说法,尘世显然是另一世界的门厅,这里没有幸福的人。Those who are good at thinking seldom use the theory of happiness and misfortune. The world is clearly the entrance of another world.

苦难超过了一定的程度,人们就会被某种邪恶的冷漠所征服。To a certain extent, suffering will be conquered by some kind of evil indifference.

重大的错误和粗绳子一样,是由许多细微的部分组成的,分开细看都没有什么,但许多小错误合在一起便会形成大错误。Big mistake and thick rope, is composed of many small parts, are not separate at what, but many small mistakes together will form a big mistake.

有的缄默等于撒谎。Some silence is lying.

一个人的传闻不论真假,在他的生活中,尤其在他的命运中,往往和他的所作所为居同等地位。A person’s rumors, whether true or false, in his life, especially in his destiny, and his actions are often the same status.

我宁愿靠自己的力量,打开我的前途,而不愿求有力者垂青。I would rather rely on their own strength to open my future, rather than those who favored a strong demand.

他活着,尽管命运离奇多磨难;他安息,只因失去天使才合眼。生来死去,是人生自然的规律;昼来夜去,也同样是这种道理。He is alive, although the fate of strange is all wrong because he; rest, lost angel to sleep. Born to die, is the natural law of life; day to night, the same is true.


把希望寄托在什么也继承不着的人身上吧!The hope lies in what can not inherit the person!

哎,还得吃饭,胸怀多少理想激情的人,也有这种弱点啊。Hey, you have to eat, the number of people with ideals and passion, but also have this weakness ah.

大众的笑是普遍堕落的同谋。有些不健康的节日腐蚀人民,使他们堕为群氓;而群氓和暴君都需要逗乐的小丑。People laugh is the accomplice of universal depravity. Some unhealthy festivals disaggregate the people and convert them into the populace; and the mob and tyrants require buffoons.

青少年清贫,到成功之日方显妙处:能把人的整个意志引向发奋的道路,把人的整个灵魂引向高尚的追求。Young poor, the success of the Japanese show beauty: the whole will lead to hard road, the people of the whole soul towards the pursuit of.

目前的一代人有权在地球上过路,不能强迫他们为了后代而缩短自己的路程,后代和他们是平等的,将来才轮到后代过路。The present generation has the right to pass on the earth, and can not force them to shorten their distance for future generations.

人生有两间屋子,一间是暗的,一间是黑的。There are two rooms in life, one is dark and the other is black.

人的两只耳朵,一只听到上帝的声音,一只听到魔鬼的声音。Two ears, one hears the voice of God, and one hears the voice of the devil.

情绪沮丧的人是不会回头的,因为他总觉得,厄运紧跟其后,是甩也甩不掉的。Depressed people will not look back, because he always felt that bad luck followed, is not thrown off.

贫寒和爱俏是两种逼死人的动力。Love is pretty poor and forcing people to power two.

事情是自然而然地发生,就如同夜幕降临,白日西沉。Things happen naturally, as night fell, the day down.
