
请保护一草一木。Please protect every tree and bush.

请让我们的腰杆永远挺直!Please let us rise up forever!

冬春草木干,防止火烧山。Winter grass dry, prevent fire.

小草多可爱,请你别伤害。The grass is lovely, please don’t hurt.

爱花惜草,珍惜生命。Cherish the love flower grass, cherish life.

就爱护花草树木吧!Take care of flowers and trees!

绿色家园,伴我成长。Green home, with my growth.

草儿可爱,大家爱。The lovely, love.

请您绕一绕,小草笑一笑。Please you around the grass, smile.

绿草荫荫,润了我心。The shadow of the green grass runs my heart.


预防在先,防患未然。Prevention first, prevent trouble before it happens.

爱护花草,爱护生灵。Take care of flowers and animals.

手下留情,脚下留青。Go, at the foot of the green left.

保护森林,造福子孙。Protect the forest for the benefit of future generations.

人生百年环保千秋。A hundred years of life environmental protection.

随地吐痰就是助菌为虐。Spitting is useful as bacteria.

绿草茵茵,踏之可惜。Green grass, riding the pity.

芳草依依,大家怜惜。Grass Yiyi, pity you.

护林防火,警钟长鸣。Forest fire prevention, alarm bells ringing.

人人爱花草,空气环境好。Everyone loves flowers and plants, good air environment.
