
小草在生长,大家别打扰。Grass growing, we do not bother.

当你不要我时,请把我送回家。When you don’t want me, please take me home.

捡起一张纸,创造一个美的环境。Pick up a piece of paper and create a beautiful environment.

奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。Luxury in a thrifty person, in front of a fierce kyrgyzstan.

种一棵树,种一枝花,世界会更美好。Plant a tree, plant a flower, the world will be better.

你栽一棵树,我栽一棵树,我们共同为校园添绿。You planted a tree, I planted a tree, we work together to add green campus.

你的星球需要你,联合起来应对气候变化!Your planet needs you to work together to tackle climate change!

跨越新时空,享受新生命。Across the new space, enjoy the new life.

破坏环境,祸及千古,保护环境,功盖千秋。The destruction of the environment, protect the environment, including the ages, work forever.

花木有情报春晖,同学爱护喜心扉。Spring flowers and trees have the intelligence, heart hi classmates love.

请把迷路的垃圾带回家,别再让它哭泣了!Please take the trash home, don’t let it cry!

善待地球就是善待自己。Treat the earth is to treat yourself.

地球是我家,共同保护她。The earth is my home, to protect her.

美好的环境来自我们每个人的珍惜和维护。Beautiful environment from each of us cherish and maintain.

保护水环境,节约水资源。Protect the water environment and save water resources.

人要美,地球更要美!People want beauty, the earth is more beautiful!

校园美如画,受益你我他。The campus picturesque, you benefit from me.

学校是我家,绿化靠大家。School is my home.

改善环境,创建美好未来是我们共同的愿望。It is our common desire to improve the environment and create a bright future.

让花儿含笑,让草儿传情,让心儿绽放。Let the flowers smiling, let the feelings, let the heart bloom.
