
从自己做起,爱护我们的家园。Starting from their own, love our home.

美好校园需要我们共同建设。Beautiful campus needs us to build together.

地球的命运掌握在人们的股掌之间,稍不留神,将会被毁灭。The fate of the earth is in the hands of people, a little inattentive, will be destroyed.

少一个脚印,多一个生命。One less footprint, one more life.

珍惜自然资源,共营生命绿色。Cherish the natural resources, the green camp life.

要想校园净又美,健康文明记心里。To campus net and beautiful, healthy civilization mind.

请勿摘花。Do not pick flowers.

河水的眼泪不再清澈,高山的头发日见稀疏。The tears are no longer clear Alpine growing sparse hair.

人类若不能与其它物种共存便不能与这个星球共存。If humans cannot coexist with other species, they cannot coexist with the planet.

建设美丽的边疆,爱护我们的家园。Build a beautiful frontier and cherish our homeland.


绿化是我们生存的希望,美化是我们做人的根本。Green is the hope of our survival, landscaping is our fundamental.

锁住黑龙保蓝天,治理污水护家园。Lock the black dragon Paul sky, sewage treatment nursing homes.

地球是我们的母亲,我们要爱护她。The earth is our mother, we must love her.

人类离不开花草,就像婴儿离不开母亲的怀抱。Human beings can not leave the grass, like a baby can not be separated from the mother’s embrace.

人类的最后一滴水,将是环境破坏后悔恨的泪。The last drop of water, will be the destruction of the environment, the tears of regret.

花开堪赏直须赏,莫要折花空赏枝。The flowers are worthy of reward must be rewarded, not to spend the flowers to enjoy the branches.

保护环境,健康你我他。Protect the environment, healthy you and me.

让我们共同行动,还家园碧水、蓝天。Let us act together, also home to clear water, blue sky.

别让可爱的生灵在我们这一代人手中消失。Don’t let the lovely creatures disappear in the hands of our generation.

手下留情花更艳,脚下留情草更翠。Yan flower more lenient, at the foot of the benefit of the grass is green.
