
请和动物,做好朋友。Please be good friends with animals.

保护动物,与自然和谐。Protect animals, harmony with nature.

保护鸟类,保护生物多样性。Protect birds, protect biodiversity.

爱鸟护鸟是人类的美德。The bird is a virtue of mankind.

不买珍稀木材,保护动物家园。Do not buy rare wood, protect animal homes.

爱护动物光荣,虐待动物可耻!Take good care of animals, shame on animals!

地球没有了动物,就如蓝天没有了白云。The earth without animals, like the blue sky without clouds.

如果爱鸟,请去观鸟,不要关鸟。If you love birds, please don’t close the bird to bird watching.

见到街头耍猴的违法现象应予制止或举报。See the phenomenon of illegal street shuahou should stop or report.

生命来自于热爱当生命已成过去你我将不复存在!Life comes from love. When life is gone, you and I will be gone!


请勿轻率地将动物拿回家,若养不活既摧残生命又伤害童心。Please do not lightly be animal to take home, if you keep not to live not only ruined lives and hurt the heart.

爱护鸟儿吧!不要让树木感到孤独。Take care of the birds! Don’t let the trees feel lonely.

动物是人类亲密的朋友,人类是动物信赖的伙伴。Animals are close friends of human beings.

野生动物如此多娇,引无数英雄尽眼红。The wild animal is so beautiful, with countless heroes.

无数事实证明,人类与动物共存亡。Countless facts have proved that human and animal survival.

保护动物吧。不然世界上的最后一种动物是人类。Protect the animals. Otherwise, the last animal in the world is human.

世界因有动物而美好,我们也是动物,为什么不能美好呢?The world is beautiful because of animals. We are animals. Why can’t we be beautiful?

保护野生动物是人类更好的选择!Protecting wild animals is a better choice for human beings!

保护野生动物,就是关爱人类自己。The protection of wild animals is to care for human beings.

是鸟先消失还是蛋先消失,你知道,我知道,只有鸟不知道。Is it a bird that goes away or an egg disappears, you know, I know, only birds don’t kno
