妒忌的波涛打两边涌起,想淹没我的航道。The waves hit on both sides with envy, want to drown my channel.
伟大人物,刹那间所积起的深重痛苦,往往等于常人终其一生所经历的全部平淡痛苦。The great man, the sudden accumulation of deep pain, often equal to the ordinary people throughout their lives through all the pain.
海鸟围着此地盘旋,声声凄厉。海涛滚滚而去,仍旧寻常。一切都像是没有发生一样。Seabirds around here circling, shrill sound. The waves roll away, still unusual. Everything seems to have never happened.
他的眼睛的光芒就像是北天上的北极星一样,历经六个月,而光芒丝毫不减。相反,随着那个日期的到来,那火光更加炽烈,那星光也更加耀目了。His eyes were like the north star in the north, six months, and the light did not decrease. On the contrary, with the date of arrival, the fire more, the stars are more dazzling.
最终的港口在哪儿,让我们不再远航?在哪一片穹苍下航行,能使疲惫者永不疲惫?弃儿的父亲藏匿在何处?我们的灵魂就像那些孤儿,他们未婚的母亲因怀他们而死去:身世的秘密埋藏在坟墓里,只有到了那里才能知晓。Where is the final port, let us no longer voyage? What a piece of sailing in the sky, to the weary, never tired? A father hiding in where? Our souls are like orphans, and their unmarried mothers die for them: the secret of life is buried in the grave, only to be known.
对于本性阴险的海洋来讲,人类的这种态度无疑是对他的挑衅,所招致的也无疑是毁灭。For the sinister nature of the ocean is concerned, this attitude of mankind is undoubtedly a provocation to him, which is undoubtedly the destruction of.
人迟早都会被抛弃,或者灵魂出窍,肉体再慢慢地腐烂,或者身体先腐烂,灵活却还在游荡着,无家可归,最后飞向天国。Sooner or later will be abandoned, or out of the body, the body slowly decay, or body rot before flexible are still wandering, homeless, finally fly to heaven.
很多年以前,那时我的钱包瘪瘪的,陆地上看来没什么好混的了,干脆下海吧,去在我们这个世界上占绝对面积的大海里逛逛吧!Many years ago, when my wallet deflated deflated, the land seems not what the mix of good, simply go to sea, in our world absolute size of the sea!
大概黑暗是我们人类的本质的存在方式吧,所以你不闭上眼睛便永远有一种虚假的感觉。Perhaps darkness is the essence of our human existence, so if you don’t close your eyes, you will always have a false feeling.
真实的地方是从来不登上地图的。The real place is never on the map.
你享受多少幸福就要承受多少不幸,你经历多少不幸必将会得到多少幸福。How much happiness you have to bear, how much happiness you will experience how much happiness.
人类的疑虑往往是在他已成为局中人时最为强烈,可面对这无奈的局面,他自己却还要自欺欺人地加以掩饰。Humans are often in doubt he has become the player most strongly, but in the face of this helpless situation, he still pretending to hide.
然而,我叫得越响亮,我的灵魂就越畏惧。The more I call out, the more afraid my soul.
即使是牺牲自己,我也会照亮什么,我敢于这样做。我有这个决心。Even at the expense of myself, I will illuminate what I dare to do. I have this determination.
布金敦正是人们所期望的勇士吧!他的努力不会白费的,他不屈不挠的搏斗会有回报的。勇敢起来吧,像布金敦那样振奋精神,勇往直前!Bujindun is expected warrior! His efforts will not be in vain, his persevering struggle will be rewarded. Brave spirit, like Bujindun, go ahead!
空气总是让先让船头楼上的水手呼吸,然后才轮到甲板上的司令。然而,他却自以为先呼吸到。The air is always the first to let the sailors on the bow breathe, and then the commander on deck. However, he thought he was breathing first.
人间那些不可思议的事都是默默的进行的,喧哗者不真诚,最深挚的怀念也是没有墓碑的形式的。The world of those unbelievable things are silently out of the sound is not sincere, deepest memory is no tombstone form.
世间万物,凡高贵者似乎都有些忧郁的品质。Everything in the world, the noble seems to have some melancholy quality.
我从地狱之心刺向你。I stab you from the heart of hell.
它们在胸前划着十字,一边谴责同类的这种行为,一边乞求上帝饶恕他们。They cross their chests and condemn such acts, begging God to forgive them.