
在我心里,你和阳光,酸奶,赖床一样重要。In my heart, you and the sunshine, yogurt, sleep is as important as.

我愿意做你最温馨的避风港。I would like to be your most warm haven.

有些人用嘴巴去爱,而我是用心去爱,也许我会失去很多,但我不会后悔。Some people use their mouths to love, and I love to love, maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it.

你好像我身上的虱子,没了你,我就混身不自在。Do you like my body lice, without you, I am uncomfortable.

我想变成你的眼因为那样你就不会害怕黑夜的降临。I want to be your eyes so you won’t be afraid of the dark.

我是个懒惰到极致的人,但我突然,有了想去见你的冲动。I am a lazy to the extreme, but I suddenly had the urge to see you.

没有辛酸,没有遗憾,什么是陪伴,什么是心安,你是答案。No bitterness, no regrets, what is there, what is the peace of mind, you are the answer.

你看现在人民币都更新换代了,我们的关系是不是也更新下呢?You see now the RMB are updated, and our relationship is not updated?

你只字未提我爱你,我却句句都是我愿意。You mention that I love you, but I was full of my will.

如果你想见我,那么我会不顾一切去见你。If you want to see me, I’ll go to see you.


倘若有天没有太阳,你俨然成为,我最温暖的向往。If there is a day without the sun, you become, my warmest yearning.

如果有来世,我愿意做你的瞳孔,在你照镜子的时候,可以把你最深情的注视给我!If there is an afterlife, I would like to be your pupil, when you look in the mirror, you can look at the most affectionate to me!

睡觉时,有你叫起床,瞎聊,也是一种幸福。When you sleep, wake up, Xialiao, is also a kind of happiness.

我是浅淡的小花,缠系在你的枝头,吐露着我的芬芳。谢谢你给我的依靠。I was a flower, tied with in your branches, reveal my fragrance. Thank you for giving me.

有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,我们没法爱了。There is someone who can teach you how to love, but we can’t love.

要不是喜欢你,你以为谁会没事整天留意你啊!If I don’t like you, who do you think will look at you all day?!

不经意间,你把我的心偷走。破碎的我,只有想你,想你!把你的心还给我,好吗?Inadvertently, you took my heart away. I only want you, I miss you!

其实一直关心你的人就在你身边,你没发现吗?In fact, you have been concerned about the people around you, you do not find it?

遇见你是命运的安排,而爱上你是我情不自禁。Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control.

当你伤心难过时,我愿意成为你可以依靠的人。When you are sad, I would like to be able to rely on you.
