
月是华夏明,家居祖国亲!The month is the Chinese Ming Dynasty, the motherland!

我以我心爱祖国,我以我行报祖国。I love my motherland, I reported to my motherland.

旭日祥云各地竞盛,春风化雨万物峥嵘。The auspicious clouds around the Jing Sheng lofty things, salutary influence of education.

改革开放魅力无限,和谐中国精彩有约。Reform and opening up the charm of the infinite, a harmonious China wonderful about.

我在祖国怀里成长,祖国在我心中扎根。I grew up in the motherland, the motherland rooted in my heart.

用我辛勤劳动的汗水,浇灌祖国参天大树。With my hard work and sweat, watering the motherland towering trees.

雄鹰展翅,翱翔万里;和平发展,两岸一家。The eagle wings, flying thousands of miles; both sides of a peaceful development.

生吾炎黄,育我华夏。待之有为,必报中华。I am my mother, my chinese. To be the promising, Chinese.

祖国,您让我们挺起腰杆,我们为您添砖加瓦。The motherland, you let us boldly, we are building blocks for you.

风雨苦难我们一起走过,辉煌成就我们一起创造。We walk through the storm, we create brilliant achievements.


国强则民强,国富则民富,国家昌盛则民族亦昌盛。Strong strong people, rich people rich, the country’s prosperity the nation is prosperous.

祖国强,我强;祖国富,我富,我和祖国血肉相连!My motherland is strong, strong motherland; rich, I am rich, my motherland and related by flesh and blood!

中华崛起炎黄儿女生百福,民族团结歌舞升平纳千祥!The rise of a few girls in Bedford Yanhuang, national unity and peacefulness Qianxiang na!

六十年建设历程硕果累累,新世纪创业道路前程锦绣。Sixty years of fruitful construction process, the future of the new century entrepreneurial road fairvie

民生丰裕达三江国运昌盛,安邦有道通四海国威大振!Sanjiang people’s livelihood fengyuda prosperity and prosperity, a famous tongsihai Paul ampang!

用六十年的沉淀,铸就今天的辉煌。愿祖国母亲明天更好!With sixty years of precipitation, cast today’s brilliant. Wish the motherland better tomorrow!

祖国之树屹立不倒,祖国之花永不凋谢,祖国之水万古长流。The tree stand, the motherland flowers will never fade, the motherland forever flowing water.

仰不愧天,俯不愧地,外不愧人,内不愧心,为祖国贡献一切。And worthy, feel no shame before God, and worthy, worthy of the heart in, for the motherland with all.

对祖国的深情,渗透在我滚烫的血液中,跳动在我火热的心中。To the motherland, in my hot blood, beat in my hot heart.

祖国是一部可以影响历史的世界名著,每一页都有时代的最强音。The motherland is a masterpiece can influence the history of the world, each page has the strongest voice of the times.
