

你不与世俗分开,世俗要将你与神分开。You are not separated from the world. The world wants to separate you from God.

将自己完全献身于神,并非是冒险。It’s not an adventure to devote yourself completely to God.

人能怀疑你的话,但不能怀疑你所行的。People can doubt what you say, but not what you do.

跟随基督的人,不会走错路。Those who follow Christ will not go wrong.

我们无法改变过去,却能为未来儆醒。We cannot change the past, but we can watch for the future.

神夺取我们的长处,为要我们充满基督。God has taken advantage of us to fill us with Christ.

暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来。You who tell you in secret, speak in the light.

多梦和多言,其中多有虚幻。More dreams and more words, more illusions.

魔鬼来叩门时,让耶稣去开门。When the devil comes to knock, let Jesus open the door.

恨能引起争端,爱能遮掩一切过错。Hate can cause strife, love can cover all faults.


讨神喜欢的人,不一定人都喜欢。He who pleases God may not be liked by all.

爱一个人,那门是窄的,那路是长的。Love a person, that door is narrow, that road is long.

生气不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落。Do not sin in anger; do not go down to the sunset in anger.

你用什么尺度量人,也要被什么尺度量。You should measure people by what measure.

当困难来找你时,你去找神。When difficulties come to you, you go to God.

一个聪明人,把房子盖在磐石上。A wise man built his house on a rock.

愚昧人不喜爱明哲,只喜爱显露心意。A fool does not like wise men, but shows his mind.

在试炼中遇见神,比脱离试炼更好。It is better to meet God in trial than to be free from trial.

情感的完全寂静,乃是随从灵而行。The total silence of emotion is to follow the spirit.

保守一个安定的心思,才会随从灵而行。Only by keeping a stable mind can we follow the spirit.
